Growing up is one of the hardest things anyone has to do. You have to worry about getting a good job and paying for things. You have to worry about what college to go to, or what career to choose for the rest of your life. You see, entering adulthood is crazy hectic. I wish someone was there to tell me these ten things about how great it was to be a kid and that "I wish i was all grown up so i could do whatever I want" was not something you actually wanted.
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1. Let your parents tell you what to do.
They really do know what is best. They tell you when to go to bed so that you will be well rested for school and you can succeed. They tell you what to wear/not wear because they know how people will judge you. They give you rules so that you will grow up to be well mannered and not run crazy.
2. Never say "I hate you" to anyone.
Yes, I understand that everyone's has people who make them mad sometimes. But it isn't worth saying "I hate you" because one day you will understand how much that hurts. Whether it is saying it to your parents, your aunt/uncle, or your friend. These three words are the worst thing one could hear from someone they care about.
3. Go outside and play.
Video games are fun, but in all honesty, it does not compare to playing outside. Go play in the dirt. Go play on the swings. Go pretend like you are Indians and you have to hunt your food. These are going to be the things your remember the most. Enjoy the outside world because one day you will not be able to do these things.
4. Appreciate what your parents give you.
Always say "thank you" and be grateful for what you have. Some children cannot afford the new things that your parents work to buy for you. When money is tight, do not get mad because you cannot buy the newest toy or game. One day you will understand how much you have to work to buy the things you want.
5. Don't spend the night at your friends house all the time.
It will be okay to stay home with your family for the weekend. Use that time to have a family fun night. One day, when you aren't living at home anymore, you'll wish you had more nights spent with your family. Don't spend your entire childhood on friends. Be sure to always have time with your family, because you will want that time back when you grow up.
6. Don't fight with your siblings all the time.
Your siblings really are your best friends, so don't waste time over who gets to play what character on Mario Cart. When you're all grown up and you don't live with them anymore you will wish that you could go back in time. If you're constantly arguing, you won't have memories to look back on and miss.
7. Play a recreational sport, even if you're not "good."
Playing sports are a great way to build friendships as a kid and it is so much fun. Your parents really enjoy seeing you play. When you grow up, these sports become all about winning and it takes the fun out of the game. So play while you're young and while you can enjoy it, before you have to worry about your coaches yelling at you because you made on simple mistake.
8. Don't worry about finding a boyfriend/girlfriend so early in life.
You have the rest of your life to find that person you're going to spend the rest of your life with. Do let dating in middle school consume your entire life, because lets be honest, it's unlikely you will last. Spend that time with family and friends. It isn't worth the heartache anyway.
9. Don't goof off in school, but don't let school consume you.
Even in elementary school, it is important to pay attention and do your work. Everything else you learn in school builds off of what you're taught in elementary school. With that being said, do not let school consume you. By that I mean to have fun in school and do not become a grade freak. Let yourself learn on your brains terms, not forcing yourself to learn because that only makes you hate school even more. One bad grade will not determine the rest of your life.
You will wish that your parents still paid for everything. You will wish you still lived with them. You will wish you didn't have to work. Wishing to be all grown up is not as fun as you might thinks. It is so much worse than being a kid.
Being a kid is fun. Live day by day and have fun. One day, you'll wish you could be a kid again. It really is the best time of your life.