Buffalo is a culture in itself, and Buffalonians feel the constant struggle. When you're the only Buffalonian in your friend group, it isn't easy. These are 10 things only a true Buffalonian will understand/
1. The classic "It's pop, not soda" argument.
You will have this argument approximately a 100 times. To Buffalonians, it's pop.
2. "Sorry, I can't go. The bills play at 1."
When Sunday rolls around, the Buffalo Bills is all that you can think about.
3. "It's chicken wings, not buffalo wings."
You wanna pull your hair out and curl into a fetal position when you hear "Buffalo" and "wings" in the same sentence.
4. "St. Patrick's Day is the best day ever in Buffalo."
You just experience it to really believe it. The city of Buffalo knows how to party on St. Patrick's day.
5. "Sabres will be good next year, we are still rebuilding."
The Sabres haven't exactly been a playoff team for a few years, but you keep telling everyone they'll be back in the race soon.
6. "I hate Tom Brady."
You immediately become friends with people who say they hate Tom Brady too. You got a friend for life now.
7. "Driving 75 MPH through a snowstorm is just a natural part of life."
Buffalo is known for having all 4 seasons in one day, so we have to be prepared for anything. We might be crazy drivers, but we can get you there on time even through a blizzard.
9. "Wait. You've never been to Niagara Falls?"
Sometimes we take for granted that we have Niagara Falls practically in our backyard. Can we say road trip!
10. The "Tim Hortons vs. Dunkin Donuts" Debate.
This debate will end in a fist fight. Buffalonians are known to be Team Timmy's and no one can change our caffeine choice anytime soon.