1. Always knowing how to make us happy.
Even when we feel like there is no way, your best friend always knows how to cheer you up, even if its just a little.
2. All the priceless selfies and snapchats.
They make for the best Insta's. Even if they have forbidden you from showing these snaps to anyone, they are still always good for a solid laugh whenever you need one. Parents aren't the only ones who have embarrassing photos of you.
3. Spontaneous road trips and girls days.
What would we do without someone who is always willing to help us spend the money we both don't have?
4. Being down with spending a Friday night crying over Nicholas Sparks movies and eating Ben and Jerry's.
We all need this every once in awhile.
5. Giving us good advice and not being afraid to tell us how it is.
Even if it isn't what we want to hear, they don't care. If we need to hear it, they say it. And maybe it makes us mad at first, but we'll get over it when we realize, they were right (like always).
6. Doing our hair and/or makeup when we "literally can't even".
They're always down to lend a helping hand when the struggle is real.
7. Telling us how they really feel when we ask, "How do I look?"
No one is more real than your best friend. NO ONE.
8. A second wardrobe, of course.
You know when they told us how they really felt about our outfit. Well, you can be sure they have something else in mind, and it probably is from their closet.
9. For understanding your crazy, and being 10x crazier.
And together its almost too much crazy to handle. Almost.
10. And most importantly, for support and unconditional friendship.
No matter how hard you make it they will always be there for you. Whether you live down the street or across the country, they are always present in your life and make it their job to know what is going on with you and know how to be the best friend you need.