It’s almost inevitable, to escape the pressure, to apply at a summer camp while at college. It’s one of the most popular options heard around universities. I myself wasn’t sure what to expect when I accepted a position at Sky Lodge Christian Camp, in Montella. Wisconsin. (Over eight hours away from my Spring Arbor) I found myself soon pinteresting packing lists, and talking to as many people as possible about it. While that helps, and they make sure to remind you to bring q tips—working at a Christian camp will most likely change your life; it changed mine. Here are ten things that I wasn’t expecting to happen working at a Christian summer camp.
1. You’ll become obsessed with tye-dye.
Let’s be real, if you have ever worked at a camp, you must own some type of tye-dye. It’s just bound to happen. Sooner or later, people are going to start wondering if it’s your favorite "color." Let it happen, because it’s going to. Embrace not matching 100-percent of the time, it’s OK… you have your tye-dye on.
2. You're going to find the purest sense of peace in your life, ever.
Maybe it’s because you’re constantly in nature, or surrounded by some of the happiest people on earth… but when you work at a Christian camp you constantly feel this overwhelming sense of peace. It may be crazy busy and stressful, but you know things are OK. You’re at camp.
3. You're not just going to have "one-time-summer-friends"— they are family.
If you're like me, you'll go into the summer not knowing how deep your relationships will grow. You'll hope for the best, but not want to get your hopes up. For my experience, people I worked with became a whole new family. They rejoiced when I rejoiced, and mourned when I mourned. I never felt alone at any time. They made me feel like I was loved for me, no masks... nothing fake... me... they loved the real me.
4. You'll never be more exhausted, drained, tired, sore or happy in your entire life.
This job takes all of your energy... but it gets replenished with one look at the beautiful surroundings. This job will wake you up before dawn, and go to bed earlier than you have in years… but the hours spent with the others is priceless. The job takes away a lot of your personal freedoms (electronic use, freedom of music, curfew, headphones, etc. ) but it gives you more and more freedom within Jesus because your time is spent doing work that is honoring to Him.5. People actually do look up to you.
At Sky Lodge, if you're a college-age student, you get placed into a "foreman'" position. This position has you in a leadership role for the high school students. I was highly intimidated by this when I found out... I wasn't sure how to intentionally be a leader. Within a week there, it didn't seem like I was doing anything at all. I was loving them, and they loved me back. One of the best parts of working at Sky Lodge is that even to this day, several months after this letter those high school students still contact their foreman with advice.
6. Camp will become home.
It’s as simple as that. Don’t expect to not miss camp, because you will. I miss it everyday, and often just picture myself there when things are stressful. It's my safe-haven. It's my place.
7. Curfew and lights out will be your best friend.
The truest statement of the summer. Especially when you’re alarm was set for 5:30 a.m. most mornings. They honestly sound awful when the summer is fast approaching, but when you've worked seven hours on your feet all day, you want to be in bed by 11.
8. You're going to love more than you ever have before.
Whether it’s from nightly devos where your girls are just holding their broken hearts in their hands, or the day where all the guy staff wear suspenders to copycat the executive directors fashion sense,you possibly can’t love these people anymore. The bring you so much joy, each and every day.
9. Things are going to get weird... get used to it.
Sometimes, people just feel the need to create a thing from saran wrap and give it a name… and it becomes one of the longest lasting memories of the summer. It's okay, I promise. Just accept it.
10. You're going to be moved by God in ways unfathomable.
I say this with the most sincere truth. Get ready to be changed. You'll be changed by the young individuals who smile even when they've lost so much in the past year. You'll be changed when you get to hear testimonies from students, that have faced many of the same obstacles you have. You'll be changed when God opens up friendships that you needed at that exact moment. You're going to be changed. I believe that Jesus does so much for us in our day to day lives, but Jesus moves mountains at summer camp. Let it happen, I promise you it's going to make your summer.
Working at Sky Lodge Christian Camp was easily one of the best decisions I have ever made. It not only challenged me daily, but it taught me lessons in life that will forever impact myself and those around me.