So I know you are probably so excited to have an extra closet, you’re probably gleaming at the idea of all of the clothes I’m going to be forced to leave behind because they won’t fit in my small and compacted dorm closet. We have lived right next to each other for over 14 years, most of that time was spent giggling and acting like silly adolescent girls, while the rest of the time was spent fighting, crying, and sometimes a little bit of hair pulling. But nonetheless, we got through it all. You were there to comfort me when I didn’t make the cheer team 6th grade year, you were there to celebrate me making elite team dance in high school, and also getting accepted into my dream school, Texas Christian University, but you were also there when I needed you most.
1. It's okay to cry to mom.
You probably don’t realize it now, but you are my most precious friend that I will ever have. When I needed someone to just hang out with when I was feeling down, you were always the one to volunteer even if you were lying in bed watching One Tree Hill with nothing on but fuzzy pajamas. I’ll always cherish the times that you would spend just running around downtown, to the store, or just to the park to catch Pokémon. You were always more than willing to hang out with your big sister. But before I leave for college here are just a few things I want to tell you that I may not be able to as you embark on your freshman year of high school.
1. It's okay to cry to mom.
I know it seems silly and maybe a little embarrassing knowing how prideful you are, but mom is ALWAYS more than willing to hear all of your worries, stress, or anything you may need to talk to her about. Don’t be afraid to come to her about anything because chances are, I’ve already talked to her about the same problem. There is probably nothing she hasn’t heard. Confide in her.
2. That grade may not "define" you, but it does shape you.
Do NOT let this feel sorry for our self society lead you to believe that a bad grade is okay. It’s never okay and shouldn’t be tolerated. If I could get through high school well off, you can do even better. You’re set up for success, you have so many opportunities ready to be handed to you once they’re earned. What you do now, shapes the rest of your life, keep that in mind.
3. Boys really aren't worth it.4. Use your voice for kind words.
If you’re anything like your big sister, you’ll probably find a boy who calls you sweet names and fall instantly. Run away, quick. No boy that you meet in high school is worth your time if it means you put your faith, family, or grades behind him. That doesn’t mean you can’t have fun because high school can be a blast! Just don’t allow for any boy to get between your values.
4. Use your voice for kind words.
You will meet people, mainly girls, in high school who just don’t like you. They will prompt you to act hateful, don’t let them. They aren’t worth your mean words, but they are worth the kind words. Chances are, if they really enjoy to make your life miserable, it probably means that they are going through something at home, or didn’t listen to number three. In that case, use kind words. When you speak of them, use words that you would use to describe your best friend. Don’t fall under the impression that just because they don’t like you, it means that you can’t like them. You are a smart girl; you know when to back away.
5. My college doesn’t have to be your college.
We grew up in a TCU family, I have dreamed of going to school there for as long as I can imagine. That being said, it doesn’t mean it has to be your dream school. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to have a little horned frog sister, but I know you’ll be great with whatever you do in your lifetime. Don’t feel pressured to follow in my steps, you make your own path.
6. What you post really doesn't go away.
I was thankful enough to grow up in a time where social media wasn’t all the hype that it is today, but you little one, are a social media guru. Your baby pictures are stored on our iPhone opposed to our battery cameras that we used for mine. You have to be fully aware of the things that you post, see number four again. Words do matter, they do make a difference in someone’s life, and that could mean yours too. I’m not joking when I told you that TCU checked my social media before I got my acceptance letter. You have to be cautious of the image of yourself you put on twitter, that includes pictures. Modest is in fact hottest baby sis.
7. Make friends anywhere you can.
Be kind, ask people things, make an effort to get to know people. It is amazing how alone you can feel while being surrounded by so many other people, make sure the ones you are surrounded by are genuine. That starts with you being all in, make an actual effort to ask people silly questions like “What is your favorite color” or “What is one weird thing about yourself that nobody knows?” Although they are awkward ice breaker questions, when you meet others, they love to feel important. Be the person that makes them feel important.
8. Travel when you can.
Once I started traveling alone my senior year, it was one of the best learning experiences I could have ever asked for. You make friends from all over the country, maybe even out of country if you’re lucky. Take any and every opportunity that is presented to you to leave our small town, it’s home, but that’s not all that is out there. See new things and be open to different kinds of people, you’ll be surprised what you learn.
9. Question your faith.
We both grew up in the same Christian home, and it’s wonderful being surrounded by such amazing faith based people, but ask questions. That’s how you grow in God, by questioning things you wouldn’t otherwise. Don’t feel like you should feel comfortable in your faith because trust me, I didn’t and sometimes still don’t. Be curious.
10. I'm just a phone call away.
For whenever you just don’t feel like you have anybody to talk to, or just have exciting news, or finally want to admit that you miss me, I’ll be waiting at my phone for your call. Maybe even a facetime if I’m lucky. I love you more than the world, I’ll miss you SO much, britt brat.