Hey Momma,
First of all, thank you! Thank you for dealing with me through terrible twos, the annoying teen years, and the days now, when sometimes I call you way too much and ask you silly questions like, "Do I like this vegetable?" or even the times when I call just to say I love you. So this article is dedicated to you, and the 10 things I want to tell you.
1. You are the strongest woman I know.
Seriously, if I could just have half of the strength and courage you have, I'd be doing great. You deal with situations with grace and strength and always remind me to lean on God when things get tough. Growing up you've taught me to be a strong woman who relies on God through it all. No matter what situation you face, no matter how hard, or how much potential it has to tear you down you always pray, and hold yourself together for our family's sake. I want you to know I admire and respect the faith and strength you have, and I hope that someday I will have the same faith and strength.
2. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for all the times I yelled and got mad, all the times I said hurtful words, and all the times I disappointed you. I know you're my mom and you forgive me and love me no matter what, but I'm sorry. Now that I'm getting older and realizing you always had my best interest in mind, I regret getting upset when you wouldn't let me go to that party or hang out with that person. I should've known you wanted nothing but the best for me.
3. I love you more than you will ever know.
You are my best friend. You hold me when I cry, make me laugh when I'm upset and celebrate with me when I achieve something. I honestly don't think you'll ever realize how much I love you and rely on your support.
4. I appreciate everything you gave up to be my mom.
I know you sacrificed a lot to take care of me and provide for me. I want you to know I appreciate it and wish I could somehow give you back everything you gave me. You deserve the world!
5. You're not old!
Even though you say goodnight at 8 p.m. and keep saying you're getting old, you're not! You are beautiful!
6. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you for picking up my toys when I "forgot" to, thank you for making my birthday and Christmas something special every year. Thank you for teaching me manners and to respect my elders, thank you for letting me sleep in your bed when I had a nightmare, and thank you for always being there. There's so much more I could thank you for, but the list would go on forever.
7. You're definitely a cool mom.
I mean, really, you have Netflix binges with me, you know all the cool songs and every lyric, you'd tag along to a concert with me and you (somewhat) approved when I got my nose pierced. You're pretty darn cool!
8. You're pretty much always right.
You were right when I was little and you told me not to touch the hot stove, you were right when I was 13 and you told me friends would come and go, and you're right now when you tell me I need more sleep and to always separate my whites from colors when doing laundry.
9. You're the Lorelai to my Rory.
You're the Christina Yang to my Meredith Grey, the flip to my flop, the cheese to my macaroni and my absolute best friend.
10. You're the best mom.
You're the best and I wouldn't trade you for the world. You inspire me, love me and encourage me.
So thanks Mom, thanks for everything and I hope after reading this you know just how much you mean to me.