One thing us women tend to do is expect men to know what to say or do in every situation. They should just know, therefore we never tell them what we want or what our expectations are. This is insanely frustrating for guys, and we do feel bad. Sometimes.
Once in a while we should give you guys a break, so here are 10 things us girls never tell you, but want you to know.
Let's count em' down.
1. Know your words...
She's NOT hot. She is beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, amazing, elegant, dazzling, mesmerizing, fine, exquisite, lovely, magnificent.
She's NOT hot.
...And know when to say them.
Saying sorry means much more in person, and saying I love you (especially for the first time) is better left said in person and especially not while drunk. Words that mean the most should be said sober, wholeheartedly and in person. Can't stress it enough.2. We want you to have guy time.
Nothing is more annoying than a couple that is ALWAYS together, so your girl wants you to have guy time, just as much as she wants time with her girlfriends. Just remember, "Bros over Hoes" is not your excuse for lack of effort and if you want to keep your "hoe", you have to put her before your bros sometimes.
3. Don't waste our time.
If you lose feelings or are having doubts or need some time for yourself, tell her. Not only does it show her that you are honest but that you care. "I don't want to hurt her" but leading her on is by far one of the biggest ways to hurt her. You can say "I didn't want to hurt you" all you want but after the few seconds we think about that kind gesture, we remember how much time and effort we must have wasted and that hurts more.
4. We don't care what you think of our style.
Just know your opinion is irrelevant. It's one thing if you are dating someone with no self-respect but if you simply are picky and don't like her choker, her heels, or her dress, just know that your opinion is irrelevant. If she is confident enough to be a little edgy or try something new, do not put her down for that. Be proud that your girl feels as beautiful as you know she is. It's hard for girls to feel good these days and the last thing she needs is her man holding her back.
5. We like surprises.
Even if you just show up at the doorstep with a single flower, or if you make dinner before she comes over, a little surprise never killed a soul. It keeps things exciting and don't be afraid to tell her to surprise you too.
6. Little things are BIG.
Walk up to her front door every time you pick her up. Text her to make sure she got home safe. Write little notes. Give her an extra hug when she leaves. Hold open the door. Open the car door for her. Shake her dad's hand, every time. Traditional manners are a rare luxury these days. Take advantage of other guys' horrible manners and form good ones of your own.
7. Impress us.
Whatever you do to impress other guys or your friends, do the complete opposite for girls. Swearing, fighting, and drinking? Anything excessive is not cool for us, so tone it down. If you want to impress us, be yourself, be kind, use manners, show us something you really love to do. There is nothing more impressive (and attractive) than seeing a man do something he is passionate about.
8. Tell the truth.
...because 99% of the time we already know it anyway so you might as well be straight with us. I'm not going to spill our spy secrets but trust me when I say the FBI needs to snatch some of us girls up because we can find out anything.
9. She wants your time.
Time is so important because moments, big or small, turn into memories and memories are what people hold closest to their hearts. All your girl wants is to spend time with you, she doesn't need all the extra stuff.
10. When she is mad, she wants you to give her attention.
I know this might seem counter-intuitive but when she ignores you she actually wants you to double text her, and call her and blow up her phone. She won't respond to you for a while because she wants to enforce the silent treatment but she is also giving you the chance to show that you are desperate to talk to her. It's just part of the chase, I mean you already know how dramatic we can be! And with any little argument or petty disagreement in which you find her rambling on, just kiss her and tell her you love her because it's dramatic, sappy and totally straight from a Nicholas Sparks novel and we love that kind of affection.