10 Things Under $10 All Girls Want
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10 Things Under $10 All Girls Want

Don’t worry cheapskates, I wasn’t gonna leave you hanging.

10 Things Under $10 All Girls Want

Fall weather means fall love, otherwise known as "Cuffing Season." Cuffing season is for those who would normally be single, however, the fall weather and indoor activity causes singles to be lonely and need a significant other to spend their season with. Win over your S.O. with these 10 things under $10.

1. Fuzzy Socks - $9.99 Kohls

Nothing says ‘I love you’ better than warm feet! The weather is getting chilly, and your S.O. is probably breaking out those fall boots. Unfortunately, stylish boots are not always that warm. Fuzzy socks will keep those puppies toasty, and keep them from complaining while you enjoy your date. Or so they can slip them on in bed, and you don’t have to die when they stick their icicle toes on your leg.

2. Coffee- $7.85 Walmart

If your S.O. is a coffee-holic, then this gift is perfect for them! Grab a bag of their favorite brew, and tie a cute ribbon on it. Add a cute note saying, “All you need is love and coffee.” If your bank account allows it, grab a cute mug to go with it. (Come on, don’t be cheap). If your S.O. isn’t a coffee lover, choose their favorite hot chocolate, or hot tea, instead.

3. Bath Bombs- $4.99 Target

For some reason, fizzy and colorful bath water is appealing to females. These Fizzy Bath Cupcakes are just the way to her heart. Not to mention, they smell amazing. You don’t need to spend a ton of money on those expensive ones, either. Target has these bad boys for just $4.99, leaving you some extra cash for yourself.

4. Flowers- $9.99 Local Grocery Store

Ah yes, the cliché bunch of flowers. Don’t overlook these when you walk into the store! Stores tend to put the older ones out front and discount them, but you don’t have to tell your S.O. that! They look and smell just as good as fresh ones. A simple gesture goes a long way with flowers. Pick ones out with her favorite color, and present them to her with a kiss.

5. Apple Picking- $5.50 +

I know what you’re thinking. But yes, your girlfriend would love this. Take her to a local orchard and pick some apples together! Half a peck runs about $5.50 so that leaves some extra cash for some treats. Not to mention, this gives your girlfriend the opportunity to dress cute and have a photo-op with you.

6. Candles- $8.99

Depending on where you go, you can buy a few of her favorite scented candles for cheap. TJ MAXX or Marshall's always has some nice ones. She will love that you know her favorite smells and will be so excited to light them up. Or, you could light them yourself, dim the lights, and enjoy your night in the candle light together (winky face).

7. Food, duh

I don’t know about other girls, but I love when my S.O. takes the time to make me stuff. Be it a boxed brownie mix, or mac n cheese from the blue box, the fact that he took the time to make it for me is all that matters. Buy a few things for her and put your cooking or baking skills to test. If it tastes like shit when you’re done, go to the local bakery and pick out some cookies or something. She will be content with her food and give you an A+ for effort.

8. WINE- $8.99

I know what you’re thinking, wine can get pricey. But honestly, the cheap stuff tastes delicious and will totally get her wine drunk. Nothing says ‘I love you’ like a bottle of wine waiting on the counter after a long day. My favorites include Barefoot, Arbor Mist, and Reggae Red. They aren’t very classy, but let’s be honest, if you’re reading this article you aren’t either.

9. Rent movies- $1 RedBox

Stay in one night and just enjoy some rented movies from RedBox or your local video store. Two movie tickets, plus popcorn, plus a drink, equals a million dollars at the movie theater. You both can cuddle on the couch and watch a couple of her favorite movies all night. A perfect way to unwind and get away from the hustle and bustle of the week you just had.

10. A love letter- FREE

Don’t worry cheapskates, I wasn’t gonna leave you hanging. You taking the time to sit down and write your feelings on paper in your chicken scratch will mean more to your S.O. then you think. Pair this gift with any of the above, and you’re sure to win some extra brownie points.

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