The Plymouth-Canton area in southeast Michigan may not be the most famous town, but it is still quite the environment to live in. Just like our unique and strange high school system, this area is two complete towns that have all but meshed together into one. If you live in Plymouth, you buy things at the Target in Canton. If you live in Canton, you and your friends will go to the Coffee Bean in Downtown Plymouth. This community is diverse, but we all share these same experiences.
1. If you’re a Salem High student, you take pride in saying that Neil Patrick Harris’ husband graduated from your high school.
2. No matter how hard you try, you’ll never be able to explain our high school system good enough to anyone. They will never understand.
3. Downtown Plymouth is the best place to hang out. Except it’s also the worst because the middle schoolers hang out there too.
4. You always cherish that magical moment when you can turn left onto Ford road. Of course it only ever happens at 6:30 a.m.
5. You find all possible routes to avoid Ford road.
6. Every time you go to Leo’s Coney Island, you’ll run into someone you know.
7. Your best friend that you see every day technically lives in a different city than you, and probably goes to a different school than you.
8. Choosing between going to the Emagine or the Canton Cinema can be like picking a side in a war.
9. Fall is the best season because it means Plymouth Orchards is open!
10. You always go to Liberty Fest on the last day of school, and you smile and wave at people you haven’t spoken to all year, and you spend more money than necessary on a wrist band instead of buying tickets as you need them, but it’s the only way to properly end the school year.

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