He has been there for you since you were born. He has tortured you, loved you, protected you, and been the unsaid role model for you. He is your big brother. Without him, you would probably be lost in this big place we call Earth and you wouldn't have it any other way. So here is 10 things that I would like to thank you for, big brother.
1. Thanks for always having my back.
I think it goes without being said that as siblings we usually take each other's sides. Sometimes, this was not true for us, but in the long run you had my best interest in mind and most of the time (don't let this go to your head) you were right.
2. Thanks for protecting me.
Whether it was creeping on a boy I had just started dating or keeping me safe in a big crowd, you protected me. I appreciate that.
3. Thanks for tolerating me.
As the little sister, I knew I could definitely be annoying. I remember playing with your friends when they came over and I appreciate you not telling me to go away because in the long run, I totally had fun and thought it was so cool to hang out with the teenagers.
4. Thanks for making mistakes.
I know that sounds totally weird, but thank you for making mistakes and helping me learn from your mistakes. Whether it was some stupid fight you and our parents got in or just a simple mistake, you made me realize that everyone does make mistakes and you live through them with confidence.
5. Thanks for giving me a big sister.
I love your fiancee. Obviously, it is nice to also have a big sister to talk about girl things with. I am very happy for you guys. Plus, if someone gross like you can get married it gives me hope that I won't be single for the rest of my life (you didn't think this whole post was going to be sappy, did you?). Also, thanks to both of you for my fur and scale nieces and nephews.
6. Thanks for giving me the sense of humor I have.
Sitting around laughing at all of the things. Whether it is bathroom humor or just a funny inside joke. We share the same sense of humor and I thank you for making me laugh even through the tough times.
7. Thank you for introducing me to different obsessions.
Paramore. Harry Potter. Tattoos. Hockey. Different books. Different movies. Different music. No matter what it is, I probably would love it no matter what because my cool older brother introduced it to me.
8. Thanks for letting me rant.
About our parents. About boys. About friends. About my job. Thanks for letting me rant and get it all out. Even if it is through text because we don't live together anymore.
9. Thanks for being so smart.
Well, sort of. In most of my classes, teachers expected a lot out of me because of my last name. It definitely set a standard (especially in math and band classes) to be excellent. This wasn't exactly a bad thing because then it challenged me to keep up.
Playing outside. Playing inside. Fourth of July's. Summer nights. Snowball fights. Everything we ever did together. I had so much fun growing up and being your little sister. It has always been a pleasure and I cannot wait for many more memories as we grow older because I know you will always be the constant in my life as lame as that sounds. So thanks, bro. You are the best. I love you. Even if we don't always show it.