Growing up, you wanted a younger sibling to take care of and love on. You were creeping on up in age, but you still kept the faith of eventually having a little one. I waited until I was 10 years old and my mom finally informed me that she was pregnant. When he was born, I knew he would be the most precious human in my life forever. He is 12 years old now, and the love I have for him is out of this world. I have been there for him in every aspect of life thus far, and I plan to be his shining light for the rest of his years. Recently, I was informed by my dad and step-mother that I would have another little brother (I couldn't believe it either). I had the chance to meet him this past weekend and my heart grew with love even more than it already has. I knew that this was my chance to eventually teach him the same lessons that I taught my other brother, and even the lessons that I missed. Whether you gained a little brother early in life or later in life, one thing is the same: They need lessons taught to them by their big sissy, and it is our job to instill these lessons correctly.
1. It is OK to be mad at Mom.
I have been there before. I have been so angry at Mom that I thought I would scream. I know, being mad at Mom isn't the most exciting thing, but I am here to tell you that she will understand and she will never stop loving you. Take it from the experienced, the best thing for you to do when you are mad at her is to just walk away before you say something you regret.
2. Go outside and help Dad.
You may think I am crazy, but this is the most important thing for you to do as a growing adult. If Dad is outside working in the yard or working on a car, go outside and help him. I know it is hard to think, but your daddy has a lot of knowledge and it would be beneficial to you in the future. I promise, these memories will eventually be your favorite ones.
3. Do your chores without backtalk.
I know you think they did, but Mom and Dad did not give you chores for nothing. Doing the laundry, taking out the trash, folding clothes, and cleaning your room definitely aren't your favorite things to do, but it is all to prep you into a better man. And plus, giving backtalk doesn't get your chores done; it will only make it worse for you.
4. Open doors for women.
Whether you are at the grocery store or school, if a lady is going in the same door as you, always open it for her. Your wife will eventually thank me for this.
5. Push the buggy for Mom and help her get the groceries out of the car.
If you are at Wal-Mart or any other place with buggies, don't ask Mom if she wants you to push it, just do it. She may not show it or say it, but it will mean a lot to her. When you get home or if she comes home after a shopping spree, be the first one to grab her bags for her.
6. It is OK to have a crush on the cute girl in your class.
I know, you are in that awkward stage when girls still have cooties, but when you actually start thinking girls are pretty, don't be ashamed of it. The most important thing to remember is: Never forget your home training and never be mean to girls.
7. Don't give in to peer pressure.
I know that it may sound fun, but don't let anyone talk you into doing something bad or illegal. It is not fun or exciting.
8. Put God in every situation.
Whatever you do in life, always put God first and you will be successful. I know you will stray; everyone does, but never lose faith. I promise it will be hard, but you will make it and I am here to help if you need me.
9. Choose your friends wisely.
I know being "popular" seems like the best thing since sliced bread, but I can assure you that it is not. Chose the friends that bring out the best in you, not the worst. Pick the friends that will pray with you before you eat. Having a lot of acquaintances is not as important than having a few good friends.
10. Never forget how much I love you.
No matter what you do in life or where you go, never forget the love I have for you. I pray for you every day, and I promise I will love you no matter what. You are the joy of my life and always will be. If you are struggling with something, I will be the first one to help you and I promise to never judge you. I love you, Bubba.
I can't wait to see the men that both of you become, and I pray that you never forget that I love you both more than I can explain.