So, here we are in a new year and everyone seems to be pretty excited and hopeful about it, making the usual new years resolutions that either last the whole year or last this first week. These resolutions do not have to be all they are cracked up to be, I mean you can make them as fun or as serious as you want. One of the hardest parts of a resolution is sticking to it, and I get it, making a new habit or trying to break an old one can be difficult. But, I think this list can help you make your own resolutions that are fairly easy to uphold and have a little fun too.
1. Walk every day
Most college students walk in some form each day whether from the dorm to classes or to some extracurricular activities, so this resolution is an easy one. Last year, I started going on runs a few times a week and noticed I felt so much better in terms of my health and energy, so exercise definitely is a good resolution to make. And, since most of us walk around each day, why not take the long way to the parking garage or take some "you" time and see some nature?
2. Eat more fruit
Healthy eating is a popular resolution too, but since most college dining halls offer some form of fruit, it should also be an feasible resolution. Now I totally understand those who really do not like eating fruit, I am right there with you. But, you do not have to eat actual bananas, strawberries, or grapes, I have orange juice about every day with breakfast. So, it is a resolution that is doable, it just takes some effort.
3. Read more for pleasure
As college students, most of what we read is for classes or assignments, and not that those readings are bad, but I think reading for pleasure is so much more valuable. Not only are you reading a book or magazine you are interested in, but you are improving your vocabulary and exercising your mind at the same time. Academic readings can be fairly difficult in terms of comprehension, and so taking time to read literature that is not so dense is good for you. This resolution is not as easy as it sounds for college students, but hopefully would turn into a habit.
4. Smile more
One of my favorite quotes is from Legally Blonde when Elle Woods claims exercise releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy, so of course, happy people do not just kill their husbands. Elle Woods is right, but you do not have to commit to exercise to feel happier because smiling also releases endorphins. A resolution that sounds simple but will also help you feel happier and healthier at the same time.
5. Take time outside
Sunshine is a source of vitamin D and should be a part of our daily routine, but being a student often leaves little time to go outside other than to class or to eat. Even in the winter season, walking for leisure or being outside is important to our health. This resolution can be difficult for those who do live through winter weather, but taking time to go outside and think is also an effective study break as well as good for you brain.
6. Use less technology
As college students, technology is almost essential, but if you limit your time spent on Netflix and read a book for pleasure or go outside, then you will put less of a strain on your eyes and feel energized too. I mean we all have those days when you just need to binge watch a show on Netflix, but too much screen time can affect your eyes and sleeping pattern. Of course, social media is a large part of technology too, and taking time away from those sites can be relaxing and good for you. This resolution is hard because we use technology so much, but it is one to attempt.
7. Good deeds and small acts of kindness
People tell me chivalry does not exist, but I have to disagree because people hold the door open for strangers, pay for the person in front of them, and other random acts of kindness that make me think otherwise. Of course, these small acts of kindness and good deeds start with people being nice, but nice people make others feel nice too. A resolution to make empathy and kindness important character traits, and to become a better person.
8. Snailmail
A friend from high school sent me a letter in the first semester of college and I still have his letter in my college room. Mail is not as popular today because we have the instant communication, but I think sending and receiving letters is a cool resolution. Plus, writing a letter for fun is so easy and so much fun.
9. Hydrate
As students, we can become pretty busy and sometimes forget to drink water, but water is so important for our health. But I am seeing a lot more people carrying reusable water bottles and plastic ones to class, so keeping up with hydration is the key here. This resolution sounds obvious, but many do not drink enough water, so we should make it a habit.
10. Treat yo self
Everyone needs some "me" time once a day or a week, and even though we can be pretty busy this time is necessary too. Treat yo self is a phrase a lot of people like to use sort of ironically, but I think treating yourself is good for you. And, I mean, it should be every once in a while so when you do feel like you need some "me" time, the time is beneficial and has some worth.