Growing up, I was always told to be conscious of my actions and think about how they might affect other people. To this day, I use that to guide how I live my life. It becomes all too easy to get caught up in what's going on in the Twitter-sphere or on Instagram, or even which celebrity did what last week. However, when it really comes down to it, none of that really matters. What matters the most is how we live our lives, what we do for ourselves, what we do for others, and what we give back to the world. Although there's nothing wrong with keeping up with the latest trends and what's going on in Hollywood, it's so important to keep in mind the cardinal rules to life.
1. "Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself."
For those of you familiar with Matthew 7:12, you know that this is where the saying comes form. I feel like it is imperative to keep this in mind at all times; you never know when you might need someone to talk to or help you with something. It's the same concept of what goes around comes around.
2. Always give more than you take.
It always feels nice when someone does something for you or when you buy yourself that new pair of shoes you've been eyeing all summer, but it feels so much better to give back. Let your rule of thumb be: for every one thing you receive, give double. Soon enough you'll see the impact you'll have not only on the people around you, but on yourself.
3. Make at least one person smile every day.
It's a given that smiling is good for us. However, some people don't have the same good fortune as others and don't always have the opportunity to smile on a daily basis. This is where it's important to always go out of your way to make someone smile. Whether it be a family member, a friend, a complete stranger, just do it. You never know the difference one small smile can make in someone's day.
4. Always say "thank you."
Just like No. 3, a simple "thank you" goes a long way. Always say thank you to your family, friends, the person who held the door for you, the person behind the register. No matter how bad of a day you might be having or how much of a rush you're in, saying "thank you" takes a whole two seconds.
5. Remember that we're the fortunate ones.
It's so easy to get caught up in what we don't have and how much we want that new pair of shoes or that new phone, but it's just as easy to forget to be thankful. Compared to the majority of the world, we have everything. Some families can barely afford a roof to sleep under at night and food to feed their families. To us, that's the least of our worries. I'm not saying it's wrong to want new things, but just don't forget how fortunate we are to have what we do.
6. Volunteer as much as you possibly can.
Volunteering does as much good for the volunteer as it does for the cause. You'll meet so many different people from different backgrounds with different life stories and lessons to tell you. Never pass this opportunity up. You'll learn who you are as a person, your strengths and weaknesses, and hopefully your passions. Volunteering is singlehandedly the easiest way to give back.
7. Go on adventures.
Go on a hike. Go to the candy store. Get lost on a road trip. Any of it - just do it. You always come out of it with a new story and a new appreciation for the world. When you go on an adventure, you're looking for new experiences, don't leave without them. You'd be amazed at how much you learn about yourself when you're in the middle of the woods.
8. Never go a day without saying "I love you" to the people around you.
I really can't stress this one enough. Life is fragile and our time is limited, none of us know when it could end. Take every opportunity you can to tell someone how much they mean to you and how much you appreciate them. Just trust me on this one.
9. Appreciate the little things.
The smallest things in life usually end up being the most influential in who we are. Take the long way home, leave a nice note for your waitress, smile at a passing stranger. Never let these things go without noticing, they're important.
10. Never let material items control your life.
DO NOT judge your life based on what you wear, what kind of phone you have, or what kind of car you drive. Instead, let your passions control your life. Run wild with them, learn about yourself in the process. If you build relationships off of material possessions, you'll never become a better person. Challenge yourself and challenge the people around you. It'll all be worth it.