Let’s all be honest here, most of us have committed one or two of these acts, but that doesn’t mean we should do them all the time. May we all take a step back and recognize these heinous actions and hopefully prevent people performing them in the future.
1. PDA
This one should be something that everyone knows. Unless you are the one participating in it, no one likes watching PDA on their morning commute to work. Holding hands, a simple hug, even a little peck is one thing, but anything more extreme than that should be kept in the bedroom.
2. Let your children run wild.
Public transportation systems are not playgrounds for your kids to roam free. You never know what could happen: your kid could get hurt, they can get off at a stop without you, or heaven forbid, someone may try to take them when you are not looking.
3. Stare.
We all love to people watch, but when does this great activity become too much? If you are staring at someone, and they catch you, and you continue holding the eye contact, then you are crossing the line. Don't be known as that guy/girl on the subway that is a "creep".
Doesn't matter what gender you identify with and it doesn't matter who you are trying to hit on, catcalling is awkward and uncomfortable. Think before you act, you never know how he or she might respond to you.
5. Take up more than one seat during busy hours.
Do I even need to explain this one? Be courteous to your fellow passengers.
6. PLEASE no smelly food.
Small spaces and foods with strong smells is not a good mixture. You may not realize how bad the smell is but the people around you do.
7. Releasing gas out of any end of the body.
I know most people think "better out than in" but in situations of confined spaces, for sometimes long periods of time, if it isn't necessary, don't do it.
8. Take your shoes off.
Smelly food, smelly gas, smelly feet, it is all the same. You wouldn't want someone else's fumes to smother you, so save the foot odor for home.
9. Pick needless arguments with strangers.
Unless you are protecting yourself or another individual from harm, pointless arguments just aren't necessary. Just because you are in a bad mood or you do not like the way that someone looks/dresses, does not mean you have the right to attack a random stranger. There's kickboxing and other safe activities to help get that built up anger out.
10. Try to skip out on pay.
There are cameras everywhere now, you are not as stealthy as you think you are.