It's that time of year again. Yep, you guessed it. Finals time. A time of horror, despair, and jacked-up-on-coffee students scrambling to finish something they knew about three weeks ago. Fortunately, finals indicate the end of another year. Unfortunately, they also indicate tests and stress that overwhelm until someone eventually drops. So before you become one of those overstressed coffee-zombies, take a break and check out some cute/inspirational images.
1. Don't you laugh at my despair, Cat. Don't you do it.
2. Are you afraid of exams too, Mr. Hamster?
3. Oh, great! Something else I need to worry about.
4. YES!
5. This is the problem with exams. Too much time to think about food and not enough time to eat food.
6. The epitome of my life.
7. You're just about the only one that can.
8. Dude.
9. So it doesn't matter if I fail?
10. Me too, Tommy. Me too.