Rupi Kaur's poetry collection, "Milk and Honey," is a book that celebrates women of color, femininity, self-love and relationships that do not extinguish the individual. While you read the book, you can feel yourself grow alongside the author as you gain a deeper understanding of what it means to truly love without boundaries. Kaur's poems are truly a work of art, and these are some of the most important lessons she teaches.
1. You must love yourself before allowing yourself to love another, or another to love you.
2. Need is different from want, just as love is different from lust.
3. There are far better things to be called than beautiful, and you were all of those things long before he recognized it.
4. Others cannot complete you, only complement you.
5. Easy loves are not necessarily the best loves.
6. Love isn’t love if it intentionally hurts you.
7. Stay away from relationships that make you feel like a lesser being.
8. Do not settle, the best has yet to come.
9. Your body is your body, he is the guest.
10. In the end, all that matters is how deeply you loved the people around you.
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