I got my first concussion in fifth grade, my second in eighth, my third my junior year in high school, and my fourth most recently this week as a junior in college. Unfortunately i have found that they never get easier, but i have come up with 10 things that everyone should understand about someone who has a concussion
1. Its an physical, mental, and emotional struggle
When recovering from a concussion the process isnt it just physical, like getting over the dizziness, or the nausea. Its also about recovering from the emotional swings that comes from receiving a concussion, and understanding that you have to let your brain heal
2. There is no time line or predicted recovery date
Unlike a broken foot or a torn ligament, there is no date that can be pin pointed that the brain will be healed by. Some people can recover in a week while others can take six months.
3. Someone with a concussion will become fatigued very easily
This kinda goes along with the physical and emotional struggle, but its difficult to find energy to go for a walk around the block. A person without a concussion has a battery pack of 17 hours, while a person with a concussion has a battery pack of about 3 hours
4. Limiting/no screen time is actually very serious
because the brain is recovering from an injury, the stimulation from phones or laptops can slow and delay the healing process.
5, A concussion is as bad of an injury as a broken leg
Some people think that because you cannot see the injury irs not there, but for the person suffering from the concussion it is very real and very bad
6. Recovery is extremely boring
Because of the no screens, and no stimulation its a lot of laying in bed and sleeping, which is nice for the first day but after that it gets very boring
7. There is still a lot that is unknown about concussions
while research is continually improving, doctors actually dont know that much about concussions. and they know even less about the long term effects of concussions
8. Second impact syndrome is very real & can be fatal
while i am dying to return to play again, i know all the risks about returning to soon. The biggest risk is second impact syndrome. This is when someone receives a concussion and then returns and gets hit before the first concussion has totally healed, resulting in massive brain swelling, and is often fatal.
9. Concussions are different for everyone
While this most recent concussion i have been super dizzy and sensitive to light, some people might be nauseas and sensitive to sound. One concussion is not the exact same as any other
10. This too shall pass
as awful as it is right now, thankfully they will heal, and this will pass.