Sometimes, you just feel like everything is going wrong. Literally. Nothing is going right. And sometimes you just need a little pick me up. I know I do, anyways.
1. Jeremiah 29:11
This Bible verse is AWESOME. It's pretty comforting to know that God has a plan for you and that in the end everything will work out.
2. Psalm 23
If you ever feel alone or afraid or worried, just remember one thing. Remember Psalm 23. God will always be with you no matter what situation and he will protect you from everything.
3. Psalm 138
Yep, that's right. When you are stressing out over a final or you just feel weak and worthless, look to God for strength. Ask for help and you'll get it from God.
4. Isaiah 40
Even Cinderella said, "Have courage and be kind". If you have hope in the Lord and faith, he will always guide you and help you through everything.
5. Joshua 1:9
If you have faith and love God, you will never be alone. Ever. Not even when you make what you think is the biggest mistake of your life. Not when you fail a test, not when you sleep through class. He has plans for you. If God wants something to happen, he will make it happen. Sometimes, it just takes a little faith and a different perspective.
6. Isaiah 58:9
Sometimes, things do not exactly go as you intended. In fact, sometimes they are completely the opposite of your plans. It's okay, though. It happens. Sometimes you feel like you did everything wrong and that you're completely alone. Just remember that you are not alone. Remember that you are human and people make mistakes. Remember that God will always be there to pick you up when you fall.
7. Peter 5:10
Once you've hit rock bottom, sometimes it seems like you'll never be able to resurface or recover. It is in those times that you have to have faith and trust in God. He will help you to recover and resurface. And eventually, everything will be okay again.
8. Philippians 4:7
There is no need for you to worry or be afraid. You know why? Because being afraid and worrying are a waste of time. Instead, just say a prayer or two. God will always protect your heart and guide you on the path that he intends.
9. John 16:33
If you're ever stressed out, just remember that God has overcome the world. He has done amazing great things. That test next week? It's NOTHING compared to the miracles that God has performed. And you have nothing to worry about because he'll be by your side for everything.
And of course, how could we forget,
10. John3:16
Did I even need an artsy picture for this one? Probably not. Most people, Christian or not, have heard of John 3:16. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life". If all else fails, just remember this one. God loves us so much that he gave up his one and only son, his only child. Someone out there (God) loves you.