It's one thing to go through boy problems personally, but when these issues begin to affect your best friend, it can get real messy, real fast. I mean, when your best friend begins complaining about her trials and tribulations with a certain guy, you know what has to be done. However, if you're at a loss for words and can't think of what to do, use any one of these points to help your best pal out.
1. Analyze the situation.
Before you start trying to give advice and giving suggestions, make sure you really understand what is going on. Ask questions, listen to the complaints they are giving, and base your advice off of the evidence they are providing you.
2. Don't pry.
Whatever information is given to you, use it. Don't ask inappropriate questions or dig deeper for information that wasn't yours to know in the first place. Use what you are given and make the best of it.
3.Go for a drive.
Often times, the best conversations are held in cars. When she starts venting to you about her feelings for that certain someone through text, go ahead and text her back saying that you'll be at her house in ten minutes. Just go for a drive around town, put on some soft music, and let her talk your ear off.
4.Go to dinner.
I know that when I am stressed over something, going to my favorite resturant with my favorite person makes me so much better. Once at dinner, my best friend and I normally exchange positive words and corny jokes and I instantly feel better. Somewhere between shoving our faces with food and laughing at each other, I forget what I went to dinner to forget. If you find your best friend constantly stressed about a boy, take her out and show her that you don't need a guy to go dinner, just a great friend.
5. Remind her of how wonderful she is.
No one should question themselves because someone doesn't see how wonderful they are. Remind your best friend that just because one person doesn't see their wonderful qualities, it doesn't automatically mean that that's they way they should see themselves.
6. Remind her that boys are just dumb.
I mean, it's just the truth. Sometimes you just have to literally tell a guy "hey, how's it goin'? Ok, so, I like you." Like, you could drop an infinite amount of hints that you want to be with a certain someone and they still won't understand. So, remind her that she just have to be patient and understand that it might take that certain someone a while to fully grasp the fact that she actually, 100%, does like him.
7. Just be there.
She might cry, she might get mad, she might even be annoyed at you for no reason. But, that's ok. We all deal with things differently. Some deal with them loudly and in dramatic ways, and some deal with them more quietly and to themselves. However your best friend deals with these issues, just be there for them. Try not to judge them or make them feel insecure or irrelevant, but try to make them feel understood because chances are, they are confused as hell.
8. Try not to bad mouth the person she is complaining about.
Whoever this person may be, try not to be so biased. You may not like him, you may think he is "no good" for her, or you may think he is using her. Whatever the case may be, your opinions are irrelevant until she asks for them. Try and put yourself in her shoes and only say things that you'd want to hear.
9. Be honest.
When the time comes where she asks "well, what do you think I should do?", try to be as nice as you can. Be honest and blunt, but don't bash her or her decisions. After all, she came to you to vent and she confided in you.
10. Put on kick-butt music and dance it out.
Sometimes words just aren't enough. There are no more quotes from "Breakfast at Tiffany's" that you can give, no more Meredith Grey and Christina Yang moments to refer to, and all of your advice is starting to sound just a little redundant. When it gets to this point, simply turn on your best friends favorite song to get hype to and just jam.
Pull a Christina Yang and remind her that "he may be dreamy, but he is not the sun. You are." Any of these ten things can help your best friend immensely. So, when you hear the name, pull out this article and refer to anyone of these points to help your best friend through their boy issues. I promise, they work.