With college coming to a start soon, working and trying to save money, I know I personally can get overwhelmed and sometimes don't want to get out of bed. Here is a list of 10 things that may help you get your pep back in your step.
1. Listen to your favorite music.
Music is a great escape whether you are studying too hard or you have had an awful day. Just turn on your favorite songs and sing along.
2. Dance.
Have you ever watched "Grey's Anatomy"? When the doctors are feeling down they DANCE. Just dance like no one is watching: You'll feel so free and probably end up laughing at yourself!
3. Pet Puppies (or any animal).
Puppies are my favorite it is hard to be sad when you are around them. If you like animals go to your local animal shelter or pets store and play with some cute critters. hey will probably love it too!
4. Watch A TV show.
Television can be a great escape from reality. Sometimes you watch a show with such fucked up characters you're like "hey maybe my life isn't that bad."
5. Hang out with some friends.
Friends are there to cheer you up. Rant, eat ice cream or cry. Sometimes its better to have some company.
6. Nap
This one is simple. Just take a snap if you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed chances are you aren't getting enough sleep. Take a nap you might feel like a totally different person when you wake up!
7. Exercise
Endorphins are released during exercise that help make us feel better. Take a walk, do yoga or lift. Whatever you like.
8. Take a bath.
Light some candles, throw in some bubbles or a bath bomb, play some chill music. This can be so relaxing, just free your mind.
9. Make a list.
This may sound dumb but it can work. Make a list of what you are feeling sad about. See how many of those things you can easily change and what you can't. Set some goals for the week to help you change those things.
10. Talk to a professional.
Seek counseling--there may be an underlying reason that you are feeling this way. Never be embarrassed to seek help.