With Winter Break finally here, you're probably looking forward to doing.... Well you don't actually know what to do with your break. So here are 10 things to consider doing when you've beaten career mode on both Madden and FIFA.
1. Go snowboarding/skiing at your local slopes
Even if you don't know how to, go anyways. It'll take you a solid day to figure it out, and then you'll be sore enough to not feel bad about staying in bed for the next 3 days.
2. Use the break to get in shape
You probably just binge ate while studying for the past 2 weeks and you've finally got a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. You have the next 4 weeks to turn that around. A lot of gyms offer holiday memberships. Take advantage of it and actually be on your way to making people actually believe the new year new me BS.
3. Do a DIY
Pick a DIY that is time consuming and something you've been wanting to do but haven't been able to do because of study.
4. Read a self help book
Self help books get really bad reps, but if you ever want to be a manager or leader some day, you'll need to read them and expose yourself to different styles.
5. Educate yourself about investing
While you're getting your self help book, you may as well walk down to the money aisle of the book store and pick up some books about investing. It's never too early to start reading about what to do with the money you'll be making later in life.
6. Mess around on tinder
Get on tinder and meet some people. Go on dates..... Or not and just enjoy the cheesy pick up lines. Either way, most of the fun is swiping, lurking, and matching anyways.
7. Rediscover your hometown
Go to some of your favorite places from back in high school. Find out what's new in the town. Go to high school sports games and alumni games.
8. Invest in your hobbies
Whether it be painting, music, crafts, RC planes, etc. Reinvest some of the suppressed interest from the semester into the hobbies and mess around with them over break. Odds are you won't be able to do it again until summer.
9. Practice your cooking
If you've been living on your own, you've probably kept a steady diet of chicken nuggets and ramen. Take this time to practice cooking real, well balanced meals. Your parents are footing the bill for groceries while you're home, you may as well experiment a little. Maybe introduce garlic to the pepper while you seduce the turkey.... If you know what I mean.
10. Don't sleep in
Do not waste your break sleeping. You can sleep when you're dead. You'll always find time to sleep later. Keep a routine and regularly get up at a timely hour