It's that time of year where every college campus is full of stressed out students. They are all attempting to keep it together as they finish three papers, study for all the finals and attempt to keep friends at the same time. While all of this is happening they are itching with Christmas fever. All of this combined leads to extreme levels of procrastination. Right now on any college campus you are sure to find students doing any of the below instead of studying like they probably should.
1. Binge watching Netflix
When your backpack weighs 400 pounds and your computer is staring at you, that's when Netflix seems the most comforting.
2. Overeating... a lot
You have to get your money's worth since you already paid for the meal plan. So when all else fails, the caf is there for you
As students, we are perpetually sleep deprived. So why not catch up now?
4. Talking about how much you have to do
We all have stuff to do, and we all know that. But why actually get to work when you can text everyone, complain on Twitter, Facebook and every other online platform?
5. Calculate what you need to get on your final
This is when you realize you know nothing, so instead of working and actually learning, you calculate the exact percentage you need to get on the test to pass the class.
6. Online shopping
As soon as finals are over it's Christmas break, and you know that you're going to get money, so you're just spending it now.
7. Refresh Twitter... every 10 seconds
Something cool happened somewhere and you need to know about it.
8. Clean anything and everything
You haven't vacuumed in a while, and you really need to laundry. Can't study in a dirty space.
9. Call you parents
You want to go home, so you call. Then they ask why you aren't studying and you are right back to where you started.
10. Color
Kids don't have finals, so just act like a kid and color for a while.