10 Things To Do In The Twin Cities This Holiday Season | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things To Do In The Twin Cities This Holiday Season

Make this holiday season the best yet

10 Things To Do In The Twin Cities This Holiday Season

The holiday season is my favorite time of the year. From skating at the Depot to taking pictures with Santa. I have always enjoyed this time of love, laughter, and family. Here are some of my favorite things to do during the holiday season in the St. Paul/Minneapolis area.

1. Macy's Santaland.

Ho, Ho, Ho, everybody's favorite holiday tradition is back! Or at least my favorite holiday tradition is back. Drop by Macy's Magical Elf Village and tell jolly Old Saint Nick what's on your wish list, then have your picture taken with him and have a memory that will last forever! Remember, he's only at Macy's for a short time, so catch him while you can! I know this can be kind of a corny tradition, but it's a classic.

2. The Holidazzle Parade.

The Minneapolis Downtown Council and Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board are partnering together to bring Holidazzle to Loring Park. The parade is a must see! Make sure your schedule is cleared at least one night for hot coco and a great time.

3. St. Paul Winter Carnival.

The St. Paul Winter Carnival is located in Rice Park and runs January 22nd-Feburary 1st. They have an array of activities for people of all ages and is for sure the highlight of any holiday season. From ice carving competitions to an Ice Bar for everyone 21 years and older, everyone can find something they like.

4. Skating at the Depot.

I personally cannot skate for my life, as a Californian is not really made for winter activities, but the Depot is always a good time. For the ice skating impaired make sure to bring Minnesotan friends so they can laugh at you when you fall for the 100th time, but also give you some pointers.

*Just point and glide*

5. Run the Polar Dash.

I mean if freezing your butt off the first day of the New Year and running off all the Christmas cookies you binge ate over the holiday is your idea of a good time, I would recommend the Polar dash to you. They have several distance courses to choose from and hot chocolate waiting for you at the finish line.

For more information click this link: http://www.polardash.org/

6. Go Sledding.

Unfortunately I lost a bet and have to go sledding with my boyfriend, but racing down a hill in a sled doesn't sound too bad as long as I get hot chocolate after, right? Plus sledding is such a traditional Minnesotan thing to do, don't miss out!

7. U.S. Pond Hockey Championships at Lake Nokomis.

Well, first of all, who doesn't love hockey, and secondly, who doesn't love cute boys? So do you really need more reasons to go? Didn't think so! See you there.

For more information check out their website: http://www.uspondhockey.com/

8. Red Bull Crashed Ice.

St. Paul is one of only four cities in the world that hosts Red Bull's wild winter sport. The best way to describe it is as a short track speed skating meets snowboard cross meets dangerous, but crazy fun. You've got to check it out. Red Bull Crashed Ice comes to St. Paul February 3rd-4th.

For more information check out their website: http://www.redbullcrashedice.com/en_US/event/saint...

9. City of Lakes Loppet ski festival.

Strap on your skies and hit the lakes this winter, or, if you’re feeling like more of a spectator, head on down to Loppet Village at Lake Calhoun where you can sit and watch from the comfort of the Surly Brewing beer tent. I would recommend the second option over the first but I prefer to be warm and watch everyone else do physical activity.

For more information check out their website: http://www.loppet.org/events/cityoflakesloppet/

10. Jingle Ball.

If you want a night of fun, and great musical artists get to Jingle Ball! G-Eazy will be there this year.

*Internally dying of excitement*

Buy tickets here: http://www.vividseats.com/concerts/jingle-ball-tic...

Get out there and enjoy some holiday fun this season, you won't regret it.

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