Life is full of weird, fantastic occurrences that later down the road come in handy when you are looking for a story to share with friends, family, or coworkers. If you're anything like me, you definitely look to embrace new circumstances or adventures. This bucket list of things to do will surely keep you on your toes for a little while, at least.
1. Dye your hair something other than your natural color.
Who knows, you may love it!
2. Participate in a color run.
Definitely a unique way to make exercise seem way more fun than it actually is.
3. Get up and travel with no destination in mind. ![]()
Maybe you'll discover your new favorite place to be.
4. Walk to school/work for a day.
Not only will you have a better appreciation for your regular mode of transportation, you will also get to spend the extra time noticing the things around you that you pass so often on your way.
5. Participate in a protest for something you care about.
Maybe you won't actually hold a sign and go on a march, but taking an active part to help your cause in any way will help you gain a better understanding of yourself and the world around you.
6. Work a service job.
You'll have a whole new level of appreciation for that sales clerk who just rang up your groceries.
7. Go skydiving.
There's nothing quite like falling thousands of feet through the sky from an airplane to make you feel just how small you actually are in the grand scheme of things.
8. Go on a vacation with your best friends.
Sometimes it's not about where you spend your time as much as it's about who you're spending your time with.
9. Spend a night in the wilderness under the stars.
Learn to be in touch with the world(s) around you.
10. Learn to play an instrument.
Who knows, maybe you'll discover a new passion.