There's a month left of the school year, and there's so much to do in so little time. Some of you may have another three years of college to go. But, for those that are going to be walking down a long aisle way in a robe that looks like it was taken from the set of Harry Potter and bedazzled cap thanking your parents or Starbucks, THIS TIME IF FULL OF NOW OR NEVERS FOR YOU! So grab a piece of paper and make a checklist, because here are 10 Things to do before the school year ends.
Attend an Event Outside of your Comfort Zone
If you haven't been to a campus social event, athletic game, or a house party off campus...WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! For one night, be the person breakdancing in the middle of the dance floor, the loudest in the student section, and acting the craziest in the room. You only have a set number of chances to get the full college experience, so break out of your shell and try something new!
Make your Move
Have someone you've been crushing on since move-in day but haven't really taken a chance on? WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! Don't let some summer love sweep them away. Don't let distance or graduation discourage you, gather some courage and let them know you're interested!
Reconnect with Old Friends
During the first semester, everyone is reuniting and friend groups are expanding. But once the academic year becomes more hectic, some of those friendships may be lost along the way. If there's an old friend that you're missing, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! Shoot them a text to get lunch this week before summer comes along!
Make a New Friend
Like the saying goes, "it's better late than never!" SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! Start up a random conversation next time you are in line to get coffee and suggest hitting up the lib together or including them in your going-out group. Few things make friends faster than cramming with books and celebrating with booze (if you are 21 and up of course).
Go on an Adventure around your College Town
Some of you are in a different town, state, timezone, country, or continent from your home town, SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! Take a day or two to view your College Town as a mini vacation! Visit the local shops, restaurants, parks and attractions you can only find there! Take a break from the chains you've usually gone to for an authentic [insert your college town's name here]-experience!
Get your Act Together
Whether you have senioritis or I'm-so-tired-of-school-I-don't-want-to-do-this-anymore-itis, you pay a lot of money to attend college classes, SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! It may be tempting to skip to enjoy the warmer weather occurring, but don't let that distract you from what you are taking out student loans to go to college for! The dreaded F-word (yes...Finals) are quickly approaching, and what you miss in class could be on that test worth a quarter of your grade.
Find a New Study Spot
With that F-Word being said, explore a spot on campus that will be your designated study spot for whenever you feel like...or procrastination has forced you for extended periods of time, SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! By this time of year, most of your campus spots already have a mental association. For example, Dorm = Sleep Place. Cafe = Social Hour while you have a book out pretending you're being studious. By finding a new spot, you will be more motivated to let that space be dedicated to opening that book you've yet to take the packaging off of getting your work done.
Hit the Quad
So now that you've gotten your act together and found your serious study spot, be sure to give yourself a break and hit the most practical fun college campus spot, the Quad! SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! If you know your books won't be opened if you bring them, throw a ball around (but please watch your step, don't be "that kid" throwing it directly over people because your feeling yourself), fly a kite, or lay a blanket out and catch some ZZZ's with some Vitamin D! #SoCollege
...get it? Hit the Quad, Hit the Quan? No? Okay...
Start the Move Out Process, NOW!
Every year, we bring more than we need and accumulate more stuff and junk despite promising ourselves we won't every fall. Once were in Finals, the last thing we will want to worry about is packing up the room, SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! Ease into the activity by making it a process! Whenever you can, or your parents can, make a trip back and forth from home with whatever you don't need during the last month-winter clothes, decorations, the, if you're lucky, you get to take a break from the cafeteria and get real food with the fam!
Make the Most of Every Moment
These last few weeks are going to fly by, SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! Do everything you can with everyone you can during the time you have left here. No matter how tired you are of waking up for that 8 AM class, or how badly Finals Week has drained you, you're going to miss living next to your best friends and sharing everyday together, along with all the activities college life has to offer. Make everyday extraordinary so you'll want to turn each moment into a memory.