"Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious." – Phillips Brooks
They say that life is short. Be that as it may, whether it feels like you were born yesterday or in fact 20 years ago, time passes quicker than it seems in the moment. Even though sitting in class for 15 minutes staring at the clock goes a lot slower than 15 minutes watching Netflix, the same amount of time passes and eventually that class ends and the time that you spend looking at the clock turns into something to pass the time and before you know it, class is over and you're three credits closer to graduating.
I think it's important to make a bucket list. As cliché as it might be, we have to live the time that we have left doing the things that we love with the people who matter. So here we go:
1. Bungee jump
Although I'm terrified of heights sometimes.
2. Climb Mount Everest
3. Solve a crime
No matter how big or how small, I want to play a police officer for a day.
4. Live by the Kennedy's motto
"No apologies, no explanations."
5. Feed a koala
This one doesn't need an explanation.6. Name a star
Wouldn't it be cool to have a star with your name? Even if just for the story.
7. Paint a mural
But ...
8. Learn how to paint
There was a twist.9. Write a book & publish It
Mainly just to see if you can do it.
10. Blow glass
I can't be the only one extremely enticed by these videos.
Now it's your turn. Make a bucket list of as many things as you'd like because tomorrow is not promised.