Stop constantly finding yourself surrendering money over to the cashier. Stop feeling guilty for all the spending you have been doing on clothes. And stop telling yourself that it won't affect your back account. Here are some questions you need to ask yourself before every purchase.
Is it nearing the end of the season for this?
If it is the end of summer and you can already feel the chill of the fall coming, trust me- you don’t need those shorts. The girls in the pictures with their cute jean shorts, sweaters, and hot chocolates are probably freezing.
Does it seem like this is going out of style?
Don’t you hate it when you drop $100 those Ugg boots and suddenly no one wears them anymore? Me too.
Do I need it, or do I just want it?
Do I need another pair of pre-ripped jeans, or should I buy some I can wear to Grandma’s house?
Am I buying this to be “experimental,” or will I actually wear it?
Unless you are truly committed to make mom jeans in style again- put them down. You’ll probably never wear them.
In the next two months, how often will I wear it?
If you are buying that sweater as a one night thing, it better be $10 or below. It’s never worth buying something if you’re only going to wear it once and throw it in the bottom of the laundry pile. Borrow your friend’s sweater.
Will this item be on sale soon?
Those flash sales are better than you think. Go a day or two ahead and see what they have so that you know if it is worth going or not. It also helps to know what’s there ahead so you can budget properly and not go on a shopping spree on a sale day.
How many hours will I need to work to make up for the amount that this item costs?
If you need to work 3 weeks to pay for those Jack Rogers- say it with me now- It’s not worth it.
How many of these do I have lying around at home?
You don’t need another bathing suit if you already have 30 at home and only wear one.
Is it likely that I can find an off brand version for a cheaper price?
In the end, is it worth “fitting in” by having a logo on your shirt, or having the money to go our with your friends for the night?
Do I feel confident in this?
Never, and I mean never, buy anything you don’t feel confident enough in. The best way to check is to have your friends wait outside your dressing room and make yourself walk out to them. If you can’t make it out the door, its not meant to be. If you can walk out but don’t feel on top of the world, its not meant to be. When you don’t feel confident, you don’t feel ready to the on the day. Save yourself some money and stress by not buying it so it doesn’t end up sitting in your closet mocking you.
Saving money is all up to the player. Don’t let your wallet tell you that you need to spend it. Find good deals and don’t settle for the first thing you see- chances are there is something just as nice in another store for a lot cheaper. When you are finished with your clothes retail stores are your best friends to earn money back! Always budget your clothes spending and really ask yourself the tough questions to keep from your closet from overflowing. And lastly, always remember that it’s always nice to know you kept a little money in your wallet rather than leaving it on the checkout counter.