Entering your twenties is a huge milestone. My whole life, I thought that turning 20 would completely change my life. I saw anyone in their twenties as so grown up and mature. I thought to myself "this is the age that I am going to have my life completely together and know what I'm doing." Boy was I wrong. Entering my twenties, a couple things did change besides the obvious 'no longer a teenager' thing. However, all of the things that I expected to change, really didn't. Not yet at least.
Here are some of the things I expected to happen by the time I was 20 that didn't:
1. I thought I would look older.
Unfortunately, I don't look older at all. I still get carded at the movie theater and probably will for a long time. No one believes me when I tell them my age and being short really doesn't help my cause either.
2. I thought that I would have so many more friends.
If anything, the opposite actually happened. My circle of friends narrowed down a lot. I picked up a few new friends here and there but my circle is smaller than it ever was before.
3. I thought I would be going out all the time.
I go out occasionally but, when I always thought about people in their twenties, I pictured these big parties every weekend and all of the time in the world to go out and do whatever I wanted. Unfortunately, my schedule is busier than I would have hoped.
4. I thought I would be wearing a lot fewer sweatpants and a lot more heels.
I still wear sweatpants on almost a daily basis and the last time I wore a pair of heels was my high school prom.
5. I thought I would know exactly what career I was going to end up in.
I thought that I would have more than just a vague idea of what I wanted to be when I was older by now. To be honest, I think I knew more in elementary school about what I wanted to be when I grow up.
6. I thought I would know exactly how to handle stressful situations.
I always knew that life would never stop being stressful. What I didn't know is that you never really learn how to deal with stress the right way. I thought that, by now, I would be experienced enough with handling stress that I would be able to avoid the mental breakdowns.
7. I did not think I would still be addicted to Netflix.
I definitely am even more addicted to Netflix than I was before. College will do that to you.
8. I thought that I would be spending a lot less money on food.
I survive off of Wawa food alone. It's true that I go out to eat in restaurants a lot less than I did in high school but that's because I don't have time to—let alone time to cook!
9. I thought I would have fixed all of my relationships that were broken.
I thought that I would have closure with everyone I ever wronged or ever wronged me. I have learned by this point that sometimes you just have to let those people go and leave the broken relationship alone.
10. I thought that I would have my life figured out.
I thought it would all be figured out by now but it isn't and that is okay. I'm at least on the path to figuring it out.