It is that time of the year! You know the time right after thanksgiving break and right before winter break? Yes, that's right..the last week of classes and finals! This is seriously the worst time for any college student. Thanksgiving break just ended and the mood to do absolutely nothing has already set in, but the toughest part of the semester has approached. The end of the semester means huge assignments, finals, grades are being added up, and STRESS! A couple things I'm sure everyone has found familiar....
1) Waiting to the last minute to cram a semester's worth of information into two weeks.
2) Those final 5-10 page papers that just seem to pop up out of no where, even if you have known about it all semester.
3) The late night study sessions when you don't even know if studying is worth it any more.
4) Taking the loss on the late night session and waking up in the morning to continue.
5) Calculating your grade to see what is the lowest possible score you can make on your final to still pass.
6) Crying. lots of crying.
7) Coffee! Seriously enough said.
8) The lack of sleep due to procrastination, studying, and stress
9) The anxiety. Oh the anxiety of taking a final knowing that it could make or break you.
10) Finally!!! The feeling after exams are over and you're free of it all until January.