The events on this list are not things that you will choose to do in college. They are not decisions you will make or lessons you will learn; no, these are things that are going to happen to you your freshman year and are completely and 100% out of your control, and you're just going to have to deal with them. But don't worry! It builds character. Character and alcohol tolerance.
1. Overpacking
You're going to be living away from home for the first time! Better make sure you have all the essentials. Shoes are essential right? You'll certainly have room for all fourteen pairs. That 24-pack of Gatorade your mom just bought you at Walmart will come in handy for maybe four days. And of course, it just wouldn't feel like home without your rock collection. I'm sure your roommate won't mind2. Being Self-Sufficient
Oh God, anything but that. You never knew how complicated washing a dress shirt could be! It's got all of these weird symbols and colors on the tag--do you dry clean it? Machine wash? Do you take it to the nearest river and beat it against some stones? This was all so much easier when your mom did it. You should call her. Call her right now.
3. Midnight Fire Alarms
That guy down the hall from you in your dorm is going to be baked out of his mind one night and decide that the water in Easy-Mac is optional. You will, naturally, have an 8 AM exam the next morning so when the microwave starts smoking and the alarm starts blaring you will be fast asleep, probably having stress dreams. You'll wake up looking and feeling like you just came out of the Matrix, put a shirt on backwards and debate if flip flops are worth it, then trundle down four flights of stairs and out into the dead of winter. Could be worse, one of your suite mates ran outside in a towel.
4. The Freshman 15 is really closer to 20
You're going to have some sort of meal plan--and let's face it, you have no idea how to budget food properly. Buying $40 worth of cheese balls may seem like a sound investment, but after a few weeks you'll step on a scale and decide it's time to hit the gym--right after you go for ice cream. I mean, there's a soft serve machine in the dining hall! Come on!
5. You're going to get sick--and realize how much you miss your parents
What's the only thing worse than a 104 fever? Not having someone there to take care of you. Getting sick in a dorm room sucks--your roommate will refill a water bottle for you once or twice, maybe charge your phone for you--but they'll eventually retreat to one of the overpopulated study lounges on your floor to escape the germ-infested wasteland that is your side of the room. You thought you were being babied when your mom would sit by your bed and stroke your hair, but now you miss it more than anything. Have you called her yet?
6. Overcommitting
There are so many awesome clubs to join; how could you ever do the rational thing and only pick a couple? By the end of your club fair, you'll be the proud member of six clubs, two greek organizations, and the ultimate frisbee team. But don't worry! I'm sure you'll be able to budget your time efficiently.
7. Bombing a Test
Whether it's for a core class that you hate, a time you get a little too cocky and decide not to study, or just one of those horrible moments when you blank--there's going to be a time when you check a test grade and die a little on the inside. It's okay, it was only 20% of your grade. What were you thinking? What's the point of going to school if you're not going to excel? Isn't this a waste of money? Oh God, all those hours you spent finding the perfect school wasted because you'd rather watch another episode of Stranger Things on Netflix.
8. Studying your ass off
Nothing snaps you into high gear like utter humiliation and regret. (as a matter of fact, get used to those, they're going to be your best motivators throughout college) After that last test, you're going to make sure you're prepared. So you read the entire textbook back to front, scan Google for every shred of information, go to every study session and TA review, and come out of the whole ordeal with a B-. And never in your life will you be so happy to see a B-.
9. Overestimating the power of your liver
I realize that not everyone who goes to college drinks, but if you do, there's going to be one night in which you realize that the unmarked bottle you just chugged was not filled with Hawaiian Punch. You'll play it cool; after all, you've been to parties before. Remember that time at Casey's when you had like four beers? You're a tank, you can handle this....wait, why is the room spinning? After dancing like nobody's watching (but everyone is) and flirting like a sailor on shore leave (not very effective) you'll wake up, hopefully in bed, definitely hungover, promising yourself that you'll never do that again. At least not until you join a frat.
10. Coming to grips that your innocence is rapidly fading and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it it but sit and wait for the existential dread to set in and take over your life
Haha so #relatable!