So, it's that time of year again. You know, back to school, that time when it's supposed to get not-so-hot outside anymore, the time where all of our motivation goes right out the window, and none of us can really be bothered with any kind of homework.
I often find myself opening the page to my textbook, while I immediately opening tabs to Facebook and Youtube to distract myself from the work I haven't even started yet (and as you can imagine, this basically continues until I finally get my work done).
So, in order for me to help you prevent this vicious procrastination cycle, here are somethings that might help you!
1. Eat a snack or whatever meal is appropriate to eat before you get started on your task. Let's be honest - you're not gonna get any work done if all you can think about the whole time is that half of sandwich you didn't finish from lunch that's calling your name from the fridge. Fuel up, then buckle down.
2. Take a brisk walk. That's right, the outdoors are not overrated (insert sassy girl with the sassy hand emoiji). Taking a quick walk before you get started, or when your on a bender from not being focused will freshen your attention and get some fresh air running through you - it's no doubt a quick pick-me-up!
3. Get organized. Instead of diving head first into what seems like 15 hours of homework, make a list of the things you need to do, and tackle them one by one at your own pace.
4. Reward yourself for every few pages you get through. For me, it's every 10 pages. After those ten pages I get a few minutes to check my phone or watch a youtube video or whatever. Doing my readings this way helps me feel less overwhelmed by the amount I actually have to read, and as a result, making me more efficient than just panicking and giving up.
5. Make a cup of tea or coffee.
6. Plan your day according to when you're most productive. Personally, I either get all of my work done at night, a little bit done in the morning, but never in the afternoon. I can say "this is my last episode before I start my paper" all I want, but I know the biggest portions of my work won't get done until night time.
7. Work with a buddy. Sometimes it takes a little motivation and a friend to focus and get your work done with!
8. Take a music break. Pump yourself up, and then get back to work! We all know how it feels when our jam comes on and how good we feel when it's over.
9. Stretch. Seriously. Get up out of your chair, stretch your arms and legs, get that blood flowin'!
10. Get a grip, buckle down, and imagine how darn good you're going to feel once you get one thing done. Just do one thing at a time, take your time, and before you know it, you'll be free to do whatever you want for the rest of the night!