I feel like in college there are 5 seasons: summer, fall, winter, sickness, spring. Everyone seems to get the same illness at the same time of every year. There are usually specific things that brings about this sickness. Some of them are avoidable. Some of them are not.
1. The Weather
College occurs during the months of rain, wind, snow, and cold. These conditions not only create a gloomy attitude, but initiate the start of cold and flu season.
2. Lots of People
In college, you are surrounded by thousands of people everyday within a relatively close proximity. Coughing, sneezing, shaking hands, hugging... this creates a recipe for illness.
3. Being Inside All The Time
Whether it's simply being blinded by fluorescent lighting in the basement of the library or it's bundling up in your dorm room all day, not going outside has ramifications on your immune system. Vitamin D deficiency not only makes one's immune system weaker, but it also makes one more irritable, which does not help the feeling sick.
4. Not So Healthy Food
In college, there is no lack of supply in fried, fatty, fast food. When you have a busy schedule, these are the quickest, easiest options to grab, but in the long run, you will see the effects on your immune system. Healthy foods boost your body's ability to fight infections and viruses, from the common cold to the flu.
5. Sharing Food
Sharing is caring, right? Well, maybe think twice before you share your next slice of cake or bite of sandwich. This swapping of bacteria with one's you are not so accustomed to can wreak havoc on your immune system.
6. Sharing Drinks
Same with sharing food, but probably more common.
7. Smooches 
We all do it, and I ain't knocking how you get your kicks, but try to do it less often, or with fewer people.
8. Roommates
Living in a 12x15 box with another human who is not your blood family creates a petri dish for bacteria. You are immediately doubling the amount of germs in the air and on your things. Granted you will grow used to this person and the bacteria, but in the beginning, be sure to disinfect and sanitize sufficiently.
9. Lack of Sleep
Yes, yes, the age old reason for illness. Sleep is perhaps the number one medicine for ANYTHING. And if you aren't getting enough sleep, your body will hate you for it and will fight back. I have learned from experience that sleep fixes all, and if you aren't getting enough sleep (especially because of schoolwork), then you can't function properly as a student. So next time you see the clock say 1:00am, 2:00am, 3:00am or anytime past midnight really, chuck the books aside and hit the hay. You can catch up on homework, but it is much harder to catch up on sleep.
10. Stress
Yeah, this one is pretty much impossible to avoid. Better just take a nap instead.
So next time you find yourself caught in the tide pool of illness, grab some tissue, take some medicine, and take a nap. Not only do you need it, you deserve it.