My senior year of high school I got really into painting. I was taking a level two art class and fell in love with the acrylic paint unit. I started painting anything I could at home.
My first big project was to paint a cooler for my prom weekend. It turned out very well in my opinion and since then I've painted everything I possibly could. Over the summer and when I got to college I became known as the artsy one of the friend group. I quickly learned that there are certain things that happen when you have the crafting gene.
1. You always have personalized decorations for your room.
Everything in your room is personalized to perfection.
2. Michaels becomes the best place ever!
They have everything from elementary school level crafting to Prismacolor pencils. Not to mention amazing deals on canvas value packs and endless coupons online.
3. Holiday gifts for friends are a breeze.
It's affordable and thoughtful to make something for a friend. It's so much easier than trying to buy clothes or jewelry!
4. You're the go-to when a friend needs crafting advice.
You're often asked about what you did to make a certain project or asked if you've ever made x, y or z. You probably receive pictures asking what your friend should do to something they're making.
5. You get super excited about new projects, especially when they're a challenge.
"Oh, you would like this extremely time-consuming and tricky pattern? Bring it on!"
6. You always have a gift that your parents are sure to love/
Parents always love home-made items from children and they love them even more when it's pretty enough to actually display. Parent's birthday coming up soon? When in doubt, paint it out!
7. When a friend joins a sorority or fraternity you can't wait to make them something personalized.
You get really excited to look up all the information about a friends new sorority or fraternity and paint the cutest things to congratulate them.
8. Your friends love to watch you paint.
If you're painting when your friends are around you always feel them watching you, wondering how you're doing it. Especially when you're painting something really cool, such as a galaxy design.
9. Your friends want you to paint for them because they know you can make it look nice.
You have endless requests from your friends to paint a mason jar for them, or to create new artwork for their walls...and you love every time you get to paint something for them.
10. You have a seemingly endless amount of art supplies, but always wind up missing materials you want.
You own acrylic paints in every color, but when you go to paint you soon learn how much you wish you bought those metallic paints when you saw them.