Being a science major is actually awesome, but sometimes we find ourselves asking: "Am I seriously this crazy to be in this major?" After short consideration, we always come to the conclusion that: "I must be!"
1. You quickly realize that you don't have a life anymore.
Work, work, work, work, work, work....that's all you ever do anymore, whether it's studying, lab reports, or worksheets for your six different classes.
2. When you begin to think you have a life (even for a day), you remember that the next lab report is due in three days.
Crap! Just when you think you're catching a break, your major comes back to bite you in the ass and remind you that there's work to be done.
3. You consider changing your major at least 5 times...a day
4. Every time you start to study for a science exam, a part of you dies at the same time.
5.You end up talking yourself back into loving your major and you get a boost of confidence for a day.
6. Your friends begin to wonder if you're mentally stable.
You've developed the crazy eyes of a science major, and your roommates begin to hear you talking to yourself like there are two people in the room.
7. You start to wonder if the chemicals you're working with in lab could possibly kill you.
8. You realize that they can in fact kill you and you start to feel like a mad scientist.
Don't deny it, sometimes in lab you feel like a total badass when it comes to chemical reactions and making mini explosions happen at your very will and desire (even though you sort of have to in order to pass the course).
9. Taking three-hour chemistry labs makes you appreciate lunchtime more and more.
If you've ever decided to skip lunch and get a bite to eat after you get out of lab, don't make that mistake again! Nothing is worse than sitting in lab for hours straight with a grumbling stomach.
10. You aced the test you studied 10 hours for and you do a 5-minute-long happy dance.
Nothing feels better than getting an awesome grade for being such a diligent science student, keep up the good work!