We all know we do it, but we just don't want to admit it. Here are some things to see if you are just like everyone else, but you thought you were alone.
1. Never Washing Your Bra
All girls do this, if they want to admit it or not. We all have our very favorite bra that we will wear months at a time without washing it. It’s normal and definitely a girl thing.
2. Your Bra Really Is A Pocket
I know it seems kind of weird, but when you don't have anywhere else to slip the money, phone or ID, your bra seems to work just fine. You're at the checkout, and you realize you have not removed your money before you got up there. When you do reach into get it, it is all soggy. That's gross. Don't worry, a lot of people have paid for their food with money soaked in “boob sweat."
3. Making Dry Shampoo Your BFF
Not everyone has the time to get up everyday to wash their hair. Every girl uses dry shampoo at least a couple times a week. Who doesn’t like the way your hair styles with it a couple of days old. Don’t be ashamed; it’s normal and convenient.
4. Wear Day Old Makeup
It's kind of like day-old hair but a little harder to work with. You just really don't have the energy to remove the old and put on new, so just own it. Touch it up a little, and call it good. No one will ever know you went too hard the night before.
5. "What God has forgotten, fill it with cotton."
Every girl has them, but they do come in different sizes, boobs. If you have a lot, you wish you had less. If you have less, you wish you had more. That’s why girls either put on two bras or stuff them with... Well, let's say that it's things to enhance what God did not give you.
6. “Does this make my butt look big?”
We all know that you need to look good in your outfit. How many times do you turn around in the mirror to look at where you have been? Sometimes, you want to accent your booty, but sometimes you may want to play it low key.
7. Professional Stalker
When things go bad between you and your boyfriend, how many times do you drive by his house to see what he is doing? Go to parties to see if he is there? How about when he hooks up with someone new? You know that you Facebook stalk their photos, just to see what she looks like or what does she has I don’t have? You may want to consider yourself a professional online stalker. You do this for your friends and people you have just met at a party. Someone gives you a number and a name and the first thing you do is look them up.
8. Using Our Boobs To Our Advantage
Every girl does it knowingly or not. We all use what the good Lord blessed us with for a couple of free drinks now and then. Maybe it's to cut in line or get a better seat. It’s okay! Distracting a boy to get something doesn’t have that much harm to it, right?
9. Pooping in Public
A lot of girls will say that they never use public restrooms to poop, and I’m here to tell you that they are lying. If duty calls, you’re gonna use that bathroom to take care of business. It’s sometimes embarrassing to admit, but it happens to everyone.
10. Bump Your Hair to Jesus
Every girl has to add a little volume to their hair. Whether it’s to go out for the night or to throw your hair into a messy bun on a Sunday, this is a must have in the girl world because there is no girl that wants to walk around with some flat ass hair.