I was shopping with my mom not long ago, and I was people watching. I noticed a lot of things and behaviors that people did that in my opinion were pretty unnecessary... this reminded me of products that I found completely unnecessary. I figured I'd share them, because I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.
1. Hover Boards -- Maybe I'm just clueless, but I really don't understand the point of them. They don't even hover, so... I mean, they look kind of fun, but they don't seem to serve a purpose except allow you to be lazy. I also don't understand how they work... but then again, I've never used one. I also hear they are dangerous and many people have gotten injured because of them. Personally, I'd rather spend $300 on something that will benefit me in the long run... or just clothes (hehe).
2. Warning Labels on Cookie Dough -- Yeah, we all know we'll get salmonella and die, but heck, it's worth it. We're going to eat it anyway.
3. Asparagus Water -- I mean, seriously Whole Foods? I can make my own "asparagus water" for a lot cheaper. That's just completely unnecessary. I mean, like... why? I just don't get it.
4. Whipped Cream Flavored Vodka -- First of all, ew. Yes, I have tried it, and yes, I nearly threw up. Too sugary, and just overall nasty. I guarantee you that if you don't throw up from just the shot itself, you're bound to get a horrible headache and/or hangover.
5. Leashes on Children -- OK, I get it. But it looks stupid. Your child is not an animal. Hold his/her hand or teach them not to run away from you. Control your children.
6. Glitter Beards (and Glitter Parts) -- OK, first of all, it looks uncomfortable. I get the festive and "stylish" side of it, but that glitter is going to be a pain in the A to get out. Just saying. Also, in my opinion, its not a great look...
7. Gold Leaf In Your Hair -- In fashion magazines and on the runway, I get it because it is an art form, but I highly doubt most people are going to walk around with gold leaf glued to their hair.
8. Small chidren with phones/iPads/Tablets - What happened to playing outside? When I was younger, I didn't have a phone or anything fancy like that. Some of the kids I see know how to use technology better than I do. Seriously, its unnecessary. They're missing out on enjoying the world around them and exploring while they have minimal responsibilities.
9. Minion EVERYTHING - Okay, they were cute for awhile. But now, they're pretty annoying. Especially when they're pictured next to quotes about dieting, school, etc that have NOTHING to do with the minions themselves. UNNECESSARY.
10. Alvin and the Chipmunks -- It was cute the first movie... decent the second one. But then they made a third and everyone was pretty over them by then. And now they're coming out with a fourth movie. I think we can all agree that that's unnecessary and that we're all completely over them.