Dear Mom,
As I sit at college I reflect on everything you have every taught me. I sit and think of all the memories we made and I think of how much I really miss you.
I was never an easy child to deal with and I can confidently say that nothing has changed. It definitely isn't a good thing. However here are 10 things I want to thank you for.
1. Your unconditional love and support.
These past three months at college have not been easy without you. I appreciate the fact that at least once a day you text or call me even if it is just saying the usual, "Goodnight I love you."
2. Sending me pictures of the animals.
Being at college there is nothing I miss more than my animals at home. I see animals all around campus but nothing compares to my fat cat, Gunner.
3. Giving me updates on my baby brother.
Soon he will be here! I have never been so excited to have a little brother. I know you hate hearing it but I can't wait to make him just like me!
4. Always giving me advice.
No one understands how close we are and that's okay. When I am on the phone with you and you give me advice everything starts to make sense again.
5. Telling me to stop spending money.
You know me so well and you know I have that burning hole in my pocket. I hope one day I will actually learn and listen to what you have to say. "No, Amber. You don't need that food right now."
6. Holding my hand through the hard parts of life.
You know that being here away from you is very hard for me. I appreciate that you let me go when you really don't want to. I know having me more than 10 feet away from you is hard but I thank you for being there when I need you the most.
7. Sacrificing your sleep to help me get some.
You are my biggest hero when it comes to this considering you know the demons that haunt me some days and nights and you are always able to get past the obstacle and finally get some sleep.
8. Allowing me to make my own mistakes.
I make a lot of these and I thank you for letting me learn from them. "I only give you enough leash to hang yourself."
9. Not giving up on me.
I have never met a mother with so much faith in their child. Even through my mistakes, you make sure you are there cheering me on ten times harder than you were before.
10. Being mom AND dad for as long as you were.
I thank god I have a step dad now. However, I can never thank you enough for taking on both roles for as long as you did.
Most of all thank you for seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I truly don't know what I would do without you. I have a mother and a best friend. I wouldn't trade you for the world and I am so excited for the new addition to see what I have seen all along.
Your Daughter