The Holiday season is officially upon us, and winter break is just around the corner. This week Texas State students will receive a much needed break from classes. We have plenty of things to complain about -- from the Alkek stairs, to the daily battle of walking through the quad -- but there many more things we should be thankful for. Instead of complaining about stress and studying, let's take a moment to acknowledge all the great things about attending Texas State University.
1. We actually made it to college
While college and trying to act somewhat like an adult can be challenging, sometimes we get so caught up complaining that we forget there are many people in the world who don't get a chance to pursue higher education. To attend university is a privilege and an honor, and we shouldn't forget it.
2. We are free to make our own choices
Not everyone has the level of freedom Americans do. College is a time to learn to use that freedom properly.
3. We can get fit without going to the Rec center -- Thank you Alkek stairs!
4. We have a beautiful river in town
When you go to a school where you can go down to the river and swim, tube, or skip rocks on any random afternoon, there's plenty to be thankful for.
5. We are getting a good education
I know the long readings, the early classes, and the ever looming finals can be scary, but the opportunities we have make it worth it. Texas State University has almost 100 different degrees available, not mention research opportunities, study abroad programs, and an honors college.
What kind of Thanksgiving article would this be if I didn't mention the wonderful people we have in our lives? Take time to tell these people you appreciate them, because you never know when it's going to be too late.
When the world is a dreary a drab place we turn to Netflix for commercial free comfort. Really Netflix, thank you.
Hey, you have to learn to budget sometimes right?
9. We are learning to persevere
Sometimes life is hard, everything goes wrong, and Starbucks closes. Yet we still get up for classes (most of the time), show up for finals, and come back the next semester.
10. Someday we will be proud of all we accomplished here
When George Strait and LBJ are alumni it almost makes you feel like you can do anything, and it all starts here.