There always comes a point in the semester where we all start to forget what day it is and can only really what time it is by what class we have next. College turns into a blur of class, homework, class, study group, then sleep. If you can keep track enough, maybe you’re able to squeeze three meals in there every day, but for the most part the majority of us are dragging ourselves day by day, wondering if we should quit school and just move back home to a part-time job and the comfort of our own beds and our dogs. Since that’s not really an option for most of us though, here are ten things you can tell yourself to get through the semester.
1. Everyone else is going through the same thing.
Most of us have reached a point where our 8ams have become nearly impossible and we’re lucky if we can make it to breakfast before the dining halls have switched their food to the daily lunch options. So if you think you’re the only one trying to get by day-to-day, just know that everyone is struggling just as much.
2. Breaks are necessary.
If you are constantly sitting in your room or always in the library doing homework, then you know how vital it is to take a break. Not only is good for your mental health, but breaks also help us retain the information we’ve been studying. You don’t want to overload your brain, because then you won’t really be grasping the work you’ve been doing.
3. Sometimes Netflix is the only answer.
After days filled with class from 8am to 9pm, the only thing to do after is go back to your room and binge watch all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls until you pass out for the night.
4. It's good to get out and explore the area around you.
Even though lying in bed and staring at the numerous amounts of episodes in front of you can be tempting, it’s also healthy to get out of bed and go adventuring. Go apple picking with your roommate, or go for a hike. Maybe even go to that haunted house you’ve been dying to go to for over a year. There’s a lot to do that you may not even know about.
5. Other days it's okay to stay in bed all day.
If you’re someone like me who is constantly running between classes, meetings and work, then sometimes it’s better to give your body—and mind—a break from the chaos that is college. A day of sleeping, snacks and Grey’s Anatomy is always a good fix.
6. Hot showers always help.
Stressing out constantly about what homework is due for what class and when you have time to sit down and study for your next exam is consistent daily challenge at this point in the semester. When the going gets tough though, jumping into a hot shower for 20 minutes can wash your stresses away.
7. Talking to Mom and Dad helps.
If I could find the time to go home for a weekend then that’s always been a go-to option for me when life got too hectic at school. If going home is not an option for you then calling mom and/or dad can be really helpful when life starts getting in the way. Moms (and dads) always know what to say to either help you with a situation you’re dealing with, or just hearing their voice can be calming.
8. Spending $70 on that sweater you've been eyeballing is perfectly okay.
‘Cause treat yo’self.
9. You chose this life because you're interested in it.
Most of us chose the college we go to because at one point in our life, it was one of our top choices. Even if we come to realize that maybe the school doesn’t offer as much as we thought, or that it’s not what we hoped it would be, we chose to be here because we were interested in it. Don’t give up on it.
10. But if something doesn't interest you, find something new.
Whether it’s a class, a major, a person, or your school itself, if something isn’t benefitting you and keeping your interest, it is okay to move on and find something new. Life is too short to give our attention to things that no longer serve us.