1. People always asking how tall you are
Why exactly do you care? Will it make a difference if you know I'm 5'11" or 6'? How about we make this easier for both of us and just assume that I am tall.
2. Not being able to wear heels casually
I will forever be jealous of the girls who get to wear heels whenever they please. The sadness of having to wear flats as average heighted girls have elongated legs and stand at eye level with you as they walk around in their pumps will never end.
3. People asking if you’ve played basketball or volleyball
Maybe I did, maybe I didn't, but last time I checked, there isn't a height requirement to play either...
4. Being taller than most of the guys you know
Things get awkward when you are taller than all of your guy friends...your uncles...most of the boys you graduated with...random men on the street. Having to look down at male professors or find out that the cute boy you've been talking to on Tinder is a half a foot shorter than you can get a little uncomfortable.
5. People asking you to reach for things
Short girls may be able to find guys taller than them, but they will never be able to reach that top shelf with ease. That isn't an open invitation to seek me out in a grocery store to reach to the back of the cooler or grab those chips on the top shelf though. Cause although it may be clutch to reach things, being treated like a stepping stool is still sucky.
6. Being able to see over the stalls in public bathrooms
There you are just trying to go to the bathroom but all of a sudden you turn around to lock the stall and see yourself in the mirror. Why don't the bathroom stall doors take in to account that maybe they should make them tall enough so we don't have to experience that awkward eye-contact made with people washing their hands outside of your stall. That can never be taken back...never.
7. Hugging your friends means they're actually hugging your boobs
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they love it, but understandably it can become uncomfortable at times. When you are casually going in for a hug with your gal pals and they get a faceful of your chest, you begin to wonder if maybe you should bend down or they should reach up, or maybe you both meet in the middle? The logistics just get way too complicated.
8. Finding a cute dress that ends up looking like shirt
The sadness of finding that perfect dress, in the perfect pattern, just to try it on and have it barely cover my butt. I will never overcome the sadness found when ordering the cute dress online to have it arrive and be the length of a long-ish shirt.
9. Not being able to ever find shoes in your size
Imagine this: finding the cutest pair of shoes on the rack, but looking through the size selection and noticing they don't come in your size. In fact almost all shoes you find end up not coming in your size. I mean cause God forbid DSW or Payless carry anything in size 11... cause that would just be crazy! And don't even get me started on the sales rack...
10. People telling you that you should've been a model
You're right, ignore my horrible balance and awkward demeanor, I should have definitely been a model. I mean don't get me wrong, I totally appreciate the compliment that I could actually look nice, but my height is no indication of a future in fashion.