The first step into the working world: a summer internship. As a woman heading into the business world, I decided that as soon as I could trade in my week-long Netflix binges and irregular babysitting for a 9-5 work week, it would be the right thing for me and my career. After 3 months of scavenging Indeed, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, and even Facebook, 16 rejection emails, 2 interviews, and finally one job offer, I started my life as a working woman at the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio Diocesan offices. Here are 10 things all summer interns know too well:
1. You know exactly where the storage closet is and how long you can hide in it
Sometimes you just need a minute.
2. Being on a first-name basis is a big deal
Thankfully the work environment was very casual, so it wasn't weird within the office. However externally, having adults introduce themselves to you by their first name is a new experience, but then again so is being an adult.
3. Getting enough sleep, passing your online class, and having a social life, all while working a 9-5, is not possible
Or it's possible with a handful of mental breakdowns.
4. You're a pro at looking busy when the big boss comes around
"Focus really intensely on this three-year-old spreadsheet."
5. "Back when I was in college..."
"Yeah, Ohio State's huge." "No, that restaurant isn't there anymore." "Wow, no cell phones! I had no idea. How did you manage?"
6. When there is stuff to do, it's probably something you could do in your sleep
They'll still ask 100 times if you need help typing a list of names into a Word document; bless their hearts.
7. Convincing adults to hand over projects is a process
When you get creative freedom on a project, it's the highlight of your week.
8. Bathroom breaks = must
Y'all, we've been doing this one since grade school. It doesn't stop. Major key.
9. F.O.M.O. is a S.O.B.
Week-night concerts, nature hikes, beach trips, lunch dates, the new season of "Orange is the New Black" (or whatever else you're watching), and even just time spent with family and friends are all out the window when you're working.
10. There's nothing like beefing up your resume and adding dolla billz to your bank account
Ignoring the fact that this means you will inevitably work another summer away at a job slightly more related to your major, at least you can pay off some loans. Maybe now you can treat yourself to some Chipotle.