Here's to all of my fellow camp counselors who will soon find themselves back in their dorm rooms drowning in a sea of papers and tests. I know what you're thinking, because I'm there too. You miss the days when all you had to worry about were campers waking you up just to tell you that they had to use the restroom, or when you got to witness campers go out of their comfort and accomplish something they never thought they could do. It's hard leaving the awesome environments camps cultivate and reentering the adult world. Here are just a few things I find myself struggling with every year camp ends and the real world begins.
1. Everything reminds you of camp.
It may be a song on the radio. It could be a joke someone told that you heard the first time from a camper. Or, if you're like me, one phrase (or even just a word) someone says takes you right back to a funny story about that time that camper... You get it. Everything reminds you of camp.
2. Camp stories are the only kind of stories you tell.
Because you can't stop thinking about camp, 99 percent of the stories you tell for a solid three or four months after the summer ends are about camp in some way. Yes, your school friends are probably tired of them by week two, but there are just so many! Which leads me to my next point.
3. Having to explain all of the camp jargon to your school friends.
Only about 45 people work at the camp I do on a given summer, so when I say things like "canteen" or "tabernacle," you and the rest of the world probably don't know to what I am referring.
Luckily, lots of camps have the same terminology for things, so even if you and someone else didn't work at the same camp there is still a connection. So the next point is...
4. Instant connections with fellow camp counselors, even if they didn't work at the same camp as you.
Let's face it: children are crazy, and they do and say some pretty crazy things. Camp counselors all deal with the same craziness from children, whether you work in Hawaii or New York. Meeting a fellow camp counselor is like meeting someone who is the same major as you. They've been there. They understand your struggle.
5. Always being in camp counselor mode.
Camp counselor mode means that you are including everyone, talking to children who look lonely or sad, and trying to entertain and be friendly. After four summers of working at a camp, "camp counselor mode" is my all the time mode. (One of my best friends in college and I met because I spoke to her for no real reason, feeling like I had to make conversation. She then worked at my same camp so be careful! I might recruit you if you become friends with me!)
6. Writing papers, speeches, blogs, articles, etc., about camp and what you've experienced.
Because you can't stop thinking about camp and telling camp stories, why don't you just write about it for school assignments, as well? I mean, you already have a lot to say, so reaching that 2,000 word limit will be a breeze! (Yes, I have written a speech about camp.)
7. Texting your camp friends randomly.
It's not uncommon to get a random message from a camp friend on your phone that simply says, "I miss you. Let's hang out NOW." After being with each other for 24 hours a day, six to seven days a week, separation is hard. These are the people with whom you made late night Steak 'n' Shake runs, Chick-fil-A sweet tea runs on off periods, and had so many late, late night conversations just talking about life, campers and especially the Lord and how cool it is that He's been using broken vessels in which to store His treasure of grace! These brothers and sisters are some of the sweetest friends you will ever have. Forgive me, world, if I just can't let them go!
8. Seeing your camp friends again.
It's a jubilant day when you get to see your camp friends again. It's almost like when war veterans see their brothers in arms after 20 years and recount war stories like they happened yesterday. Same deal here. It's felt like 20 years since you've seen these blessed people, but you remember everything like it was yesterday.
9. Missing camp.
All the time. Although the feeling weakens over the course of a semester, it will hit you randomly and in full force randomly, or if something reminds you of a special time you had at camp.
10. Looking forward to next summer.
No matter where you are in life, you will always long to be at camp during the summer.