With summer closely approaching signaling the near ending of the frenzy that is school and dreaded finals week, it’s easy to see how our frustrations are high because our minds are fried instead of our skin. It’s safe to say that the majority of people are looking forward to summer and all the crazy nights that are before us. Excited, as we should be, it’s easy to lose track of all our hopes and ambitions for the next couple highly anticipated months when we are so busy with our future internships, jobs and prior commitments. Even though the nights are long, the days seem to all go by so fast. Before we can even blink, summer will be over, and the last thing we want is to look back on our #Summer2K16 and be disappointed with all the things we neglected to do. So here are a list of the most simple yet unforgettable summer-esque traditions that must be completed before your vacation comes to a sad but definite end.
- Take a Road Trip. I don’t care if this is 30 minutes out of the way to a neighboring town or city or if it’s halfway across the country. Looking back years from now on your life and all the amazing things you did, a road trip will surely bring a smile to your face, remembering all the stupid things you and your friends said and did on your cruise.
- Attend a Music Festival or Concert. Who doesn’t love live music and good weather? There’s so many to choose from that consist of both local and out of state. You’d be amazed the people you meet and the things you see there and all the awesome things you get yourself into. All I can say is this is the prime place to make some fantastic memories. If you do this right, this could also complete requirement one simultaneously. *Wink-wink, nudge-nudge*.
- Make a Late Night Fast Food Run.Taco Bell, McDonald’s, or Wendy’s, no matter what cures your fix, I promise eating it at two in the morning will naturally make it taste a million times better. Obviously you need to bring a solid group of three to five people with you on this endeavor, binge eating loves company.
- Have a Movie Marathon. Whether you like a sappy stretch of Nicholas Sparks movies, live for the thrill of The Fast Five or dare to be adventurous with the entire Harry Potter series, watching three plus movies in a row for hours on end into the wee hours of the night will make for an evening you will never forget. (TIP: Accompany movie marathon with as much junk food as you possibly can along with ice cream. Lots and lots of ice cream.)
- Roast by a Bonfire. What is a summer without a bonfire and s’mores? Not a good one. Get the extra huge marshmallows, some graham crackers, Hershey’s chocolate and plop a squat next to the fire to make yourself a mean snack. Sitting around a bonfire with blankets, music and friends makes for a great combination.
- Try a New Recipe. If you’re anything like me you have quite the extensive list of Pinterest and Facebook recipes stored up in the notes section of your phone, dying to be tried. Do it! I don’t care if you’re Rachel Ray in the kitchen or you can actually burn water, give it your best shot but have a trash can waiting idly by.
- Sleep. I know you’re probably busy and have a bunch of things that need your attention daily, but this is your break. Get it? Summer Break. At least take one full day to do nothing, relax, watch Netflix, play with your cat, whatever floats your boat. Just take some you time and enjoy it because we all know it won’t last long!
- Try Your Hand at Camping. It doesn’t matter if you’re Smoky the Bear or you're straight up Paris Hilton out there in the wilderness, camping is a must. Falling asleep under a sky full of stars and waking up to the sun peaking over the trees is a truly priceless sight. Remember, it’s not necessarily what you do, but more importantly who you do it with.
- Discover a Drive In. I know these are a lot harder to find now a days, but that doesn’t mean we should count them out. Drive ins revamp the traditional movie theater experience in the best possible way. Unlike other theaters, you can bring in whatever food you want, lay down with limbs completely outstretched and don’t have to worry about those awkward "excuse me, trying to get through" moments. Plus, most drive ins show two movies a night which is absolutely fabulous when you’re balling on a budget.
- Pay It Forward. These random acts of kindness don’t need to be this colossal financial affair. It’s the small things that really go a long way, and the small things that can truly be what makes someone’s day. Whether you pay for the person behind you in the drive thru or you even just extend a compliment to a stranger, those selfless actions will leave you and all those around you smiling from ear to ear.
So good luck in your #Summer2K16 journey, and remember to always make the most of every moment. Deuces y’all.