I think we can all agree here that 2016 was a big shit show.
Whether it be with your personal life, the lives of others, or with idiots on social media, we have all gotten really upset over some stupid things this year.
While everyone is making resolutions, let's reflect a little bit on the year we have experienced. Here are a few things to stop getting irrationally mad over in 2017.
1. Religion
Just why? I never understood this to begin with. I'm not super religious but I don't really care what other people practice, so why should you? Doesn't make sense to me.
2. Bad drivers
Let's be honest, we all have a bit of a road rage problem (me 100%). This year, let's try to not get mad about that guy cutting us off. Let's not try to get back at them and almost die in the process. Anger management. Breatheeeee.
3. Social media
There are idiots everywhere. Literally everywhere. Some of you are probably reading this thinking I'm an idiot. Whatever. But stop getting so mad at what people post on Facebook! Who cares that Jenny voted for Trump? Who cares that someone doesn't want to vaccinate their kids? Just stop. It's not you. Whatever.
4. Memes
Some people still don't understand that memes are supposed to be funny. Does it offend you? Okay, don't post it. Do what most people do and *gasp* scroll past it!
5. News
The news is here to help us stay up to date on the world around us. I'm sorry it's not all peachy and sunny and beautiful. It's the news. It's not there to make you happy all the time.
6. Politics
The election is over. Take it or leave it. Stop getting all worked up over it. Sorry. Also, stop posting about it on social media (I should take my own advice with number 3).
7. Relationships
So, you're single? You're in a relationship? Woo! Do whatever you want! Don't focus so much on other people. Work on yourself and do what you feel is best! Pro tip: don't compare relationships.
8. Celebrity drama
Honestly, I've always found this extremely stupid. Shoutout to TMZ because it's at least entertaining. But, why do people get so mad over what Kylie Jenner did? Why do people care who wore it better? Don't get me wrong, we are indeed a society obsessed with Hollywood. However, we need to stop comparing our lives to theirs and thinking they're better. Of course they're better! They're famous. Duh.
9. Odyssey articles
^ Very original, though. Never heard anyone say that before.
Oh, Odyssey. I love it. Why else would I write for it? This entire article is 110 percent my opinion! No one can take that away from me. But if you don't agree, great. That's your right and your opinion. Millions of people write for this, not just a few people at your school. So stop thinking that just because you don't agree with a few articles means you hate the entire website. Educate yo'self. Thx.
10. Everything
You guys are way too sensitive. Get over it. You're fine. Live your life.
Like the song says: don't worry, be happy!