It's true, siblings are equally your best friend and sworn enemy. It's also true that you probably can't imagine life without them. They might annoy you, beat you up, call you names, and get you in trouble, but in the end, the pros outweigh the cons. You can't get rid of them so you might as well reap the benefits of having a life-long confidant. As we've got older, my brother and I have learned to coexist more peacefully than in the past. One might even consider us friends. Our bickering has turned into playful banter and our inside jokes have only become more exclusive.
This week, I decided to focus on the benefits of having a sibling. Younger or older, you've probably found yourself asking or saying these things to your sibling once or twice.
1. "Mom, where is (name)?"
You probably like to keep tabs on their whereabouts just in case you need them at any given moment. You also constantly worry about them, which is your excuse for always asking this question.
2. "Want to hang out?"
There is nothing better than quality time with your sibling. Even if that just means snap chatting each other while you're sitting in the same room.
3. "Add me on Find My Friends."
Specifically referring to younger siblings, the older they get, the more protective you get. This also comes in handy when you're bored and want to know how long it will be until they get home.
4. "I'll only go if you go."
We usually send (& receive) these texts most when our parents ask us to accompany them on a family outing. If I'm going to suffer, then so are they. You also know, having them there will make everything more fun.
5. "Get in my Snapchat."
They make your S
6. "What time will you be home?"
They know the second they get home from a night out, you'll want details and gossip.
7. "Do you need a ride home?"
You're willing to do them favors, not only because you care about them but because that just means more time to hang out and jam in the car.
8. "Invite your friends over tonight."
If you're friends with your sibling, this probably means you're friends with their friends too. You've successfully managed to double your inner circle.
9. "Will you pick me up food on your way home?"
When you're too lazy to get food on your own so you have your personal slave fetch you lunch.
10. "I need some advice..."
One of my personal favorites. Whether about school, friends, relationships, or our parents, I know we've got each