1. "I have too many clothes"
This is something others will tell you, but you will never agree.
2. "I’m too tired to go shopping"
There is no bad time to shop; no matter how sick or tired you are you always have the energy to shop.
3."I can repeat an outfit"
How could you disrespect fashion in such a way?
4. "Retail therapy isn’t a thing"
Oh, it is a thing; a beautiful thing.
5. "I never online shop"
What else are you supposed to do instead of homework?
6. "I don’t like the mall"
I guess your right....I LOVE the mall.
7. "I only have one closet"
Let's not be unrealistic.
8. "I don't want to dress up"
Dressing up is one of your favorite past times. Look good feel good.