Well.....we've made it this far, you just got to get through this last semester!! That's what all second semester seniors are telling themselves. So if you are a second semester senior, like me you are probably feeling the pressure. You've been through 7 semesters of college (maybe more depending how long you want to keep on spending your parents money) and you've got it down pat (sort of). It's your last semester in college and it should go out with a bang. But you still have to do all the work and finish all your requirements in order to graduate. So as much as you would like to graduate, there is a part of you that doesn't want to leave. The college and academic schedule has been your life since you started school at the age of 5. And many of you might already dying as you try your hardest to get all the work done. But the biggest thing against us this semester is your MOTIVATION. It's slowly dwindling. Actually forget that, it's plummeting rather quickly, almost too quickly that you have no idea what to do about it. There are a few things all seniors would rather being doing then all the sh*t that has to get before graduation.
1. Eating lots of good food
2. Being the life of the party!!
3. Binge watching everything on Netflix
4. hanging out with friends
5. drinking alcohol
6. going on vacation
7. going back to where you studied abroad (if you studied abroad)
8. Distracting everyone else from doing their own work
9. sleeping
10. Literally doing nothing
And don't even dare ask us about want we want to do after graduation, some of us might cry, a rare few of us might already know and have known for months and the majority us just don't want to accept that fact.
I hope this makes you laugh with everything going on around the world.