So no I don't actually have kids but I do teach 14 hyper, fun-loving, crazy four year olds. You usually hear the old saying kids say the darn-dest things. Yes, yes they do really say some crazy stuff but that's saved for another article. This one is all about the things I hear myself saying to the class pretty much everyday.
1. Stop Chewing on your shirt.
For some reason my kids really love to put the edge of their shirt in their mouth and pull on it until it's soaking wet and completely stretched out.
2. Who's mooing?
Of course four year olds love to make noises, but my class is a fan of mooing and various other animal noises. Usually you hear a duck quack or a growl of some kind.
3. Get your hands out of your pants.
I'm assuming children are just interested at this age. They are starting to understand their body more and they are interested in what's what, however hands in the pants is a no-go for my classroom.
4. What's that smell?
Oh yeah, we are at the age where passing gas is hilarious. In a small enclosed room with 15 other people, it's not really that hilarious to my co-teacher and me.
5. Why are your pants wet?
Unfortunately, my little ones still have little bladders. There's maybe an accident every few months, nothing crazy but this question has been asked a couple of time.
6. What's all over your hands?
Whether it be paint, markers, glue, mud, snot or something even more disgusting there's always something on these kids hands....ALWAYS!
These next few aren't so much comical as they are true. It's kind of an insight of what I tend to say almost every day.
7. Where are your shoes?
We are in the fun age of taking off our shoes and jackets and leaving them everywhere. But why take off your shoes in the classroom? I don't know, ask my kids!
8. Ok really I need you to focus.
One thing I have learned over the past four months is that these kids don't focus. A four year old child has the attention span of a goldfish, which is normal; but eventually teaching becomes exhausting when none of your kids can focus.
9. Who was in early care?
I ask this almost every morning. I have about 4 or 5 kids who go to early care in the mornings before school but in the hustle and bustle of morning drop off I lose track of specifically whose those kids are.
10. Color.... Color... No really let's color
I don't know why but my kids don't really like to color. Every day we have some kind of coloring sheet to do and for some reason my kids really like to just sit there and stare off into space.
After all of that no matter what these kids really are awesome and they are all so smart. They crack me up all day and make me smile, even though they run me around like a mad woman. I'm very thankful to have this job.