Everybody will have a bad day now and again. It’s just a part of life. But the important thing is to not let that bad day consume you and to learn how to let it roll of your shoulders. I know this is easier said than done. But the best thing to do is to take a step back, take a deep breath and remember that this is just a bad day, not a bad life. So every day, when you wake up, remember these five things to help put life into perspective, and maybe make things just a little bit easier.
1. Mistakes happen.
You are not perfect, and that’s okay. No one is. You are your own worst critique. Trust me when I say you are focusing on your own mistakes and your own embarrassing moments so much more than anyone else is. So stop holding yourself to unreal expectations. It's okay to not have all the answers. We are all flawed and mistakes are going to happen, and it’s okay to allow yourself to make them. If you don’t make mistakes then you will never learn and will never grow from it. So, take a chance, allow yourself a screw up or twenty. That’s life. You have to learn to let your mistakes go. Remember that every day is a new day.
2. The material things are not important.
The kind of shoes you are wearing, how nice your car is, or how expensive your jewelry is does not matter. So never feel worse than, or better than someone else because of what you have. There is so much more to life than that. The connections you have with others, the amount of times you laugh or smile, those moments that take your breath away. Those are what matter. So live for those moments, not for those material things. Because at the end of the day you won't be basing the worth of your life on how big your house was, but rather how many lives you touched, how you loved and how you lived.
3. It really doesn’t matter what other people think about you.
This is probably one of the hardest things to accept in life. Society is constantly telling us that people care about what we wear, what our hair looks like and what we do. But the thing that they don’t tell you, is that everybody else is so concerned what other people think of them, that they don’t have time to be judging you. People are so consumed with themselves and no one is focusing on you nearly as much as you may think they are. But even if they are judging you, who cares. Your life is yours, and belongs to no one else. Never give anyone else the right to control it, because they don’t have to deal with the decisions you are making. You do. The only person you have to live with forever, is yourself. So don’t let other people change who you are. It’s your life, live it that way.
4. You are enough.
Life is hard and it’s easy to lose faith in yourself. Whether it’s your appearance, or your personality, there will be times when you will feel unworthy. Don’t. You are enough. Everybody is unique and beautiful in their own way. So never compare yourself to someone else because they are simply not you. Never, ever, wish to be anything else but yourself. Just try your best and do what you can and that is all anyone can expect from you. So feel attractive and smart and kind because you are worth that. You are the only you there is, so do not squander that. Don't doubt who you are, because you are amazing.
5. You are responsible for your own happiness.You can't base your worth on anyone else. Happiness is an inside job and something you have to take control of. If you continue to search for your happiness in other people, you will eventually come to learn the only person who can really provide it for you, is yourself. Do what makes you happy, without questioning it, because it's okay to put yourself first. Happiness is too important to trust it in the hands of someone else. Never feel guilty when looking out for yourself because someone has to.