It's that time of the semester again. You and everyone you know have that bittersweet feeling of almost being done, but still having a weeks worth of agonizing (and cumulative) exams. By now you're probably frantically making flashcards and brainstorming ways to read that textbook without actually owning it. But, in your struggle to remember all kinds of information you'll probably never use again, here are a few things you definitely shouldn't forget.
1. Your GPA is just a number.
Sure, you may want a high one, but in the grand scheme of things, it's not going to matter.
2. The final is only a percentage of the class.
Even if you completely bomb it, the chances of you failing may not be very high. And in a worst-case-scenario, classes can be retaken.
3. C's get degrees.
You may not be the kind of person who lives by this rule, but that doesn't mean it's not true.
4. Self-care is still important.
Even when you're stressed, you should still eat, shower, sleep, etc.
5. Sleep is NOT for the weak.
Sleep. Your body needs it to function.
6. Procrastination helps no one.
We all do it, and we all know it's wrong. Muster up all of your motivation just for a little bit, and your future self will thank you.
7. Coffee is not a meal.
Remember your food groups.
8. Neither is Red Bull.
See #7
9. Your hard work will pay off.
It may feel hopeless, but when you spend solid time actually studying, it will show.
10. Summer is just around the corner.
Eventually finals will end, and you will be able to relax in the sun with your friends.
Stay strong, study hard, and good luck!